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  • Omg hi! How are you?! Long, long, long time no see!
    Sure nice to see you still around here. Those were the days indeed, some good memories.

    Things have been mixed, some good, like exploring new hobbies, and some bad, like my father having died a little over a year ago, and last summer my mother in law, so both my wife and me have no more parents left alive.

    I agree about writing, and the mysery starting end of 2019 surely must have been one reason to pick up writing again. Along with learning to play a bit on keyboard. I haven't written for Pokemon though, as the later seasons never felt that inspiring. Angie never made an appearance sadly, which is a missed opportunity imho. But instead I found 2 series to write about, Uzaki-chan and Rent-a-Girlfriend. The first partially because of the Twitter rage over the main character, which compelled me to take a closer look, and discover that the manga and anime wasn't just some ecchi fanservice thing, but actually really funny and cute. The dynamic between Uzaki and her love interest is somewhat similar to Rocketshipping. They are so often together, but still don't progress being fully aware of what they've got, let alone to openly confessing.

    Rent-a-Girlfriend caught my eye because Youtube kept suggesting it. One girl in the series is head over heels for the main character, but he's lovesick over another girl. So I felt like it was time for a "what if...?" approach.
    ii kanji
    ii kanji
    I'm sorry about your father and MIL. How have you been coping? Sad as it is, at least you and your wife are together to share these hard times.

    Absolutely agree! I have also gotten back more into art since covid started, although this has been tempered by increased working (since I qualified as a doctor 4yrs ago). Those series sound fun, and it must be great to have writing projects to work on again! Playing keyboard also sounds really nice - one of my close friends also did the same since last March :)
    Thanks for the sympathy. After he died, there was no real time for grieving, just dealing with the aftermath, cleaning up the rental apartment he used to live, etc.

    It started to sink in later, like on saturdays, when I used to get some groceries for him, the little things that become part of your daily or weekly routine, and then suddenly are gone.

    Writing really helped, it's both a way to let your mind process emotions, and it's also rewarding if others enjoy your creations.
    Nu valt het nog wel mee met die errors, maar rond maart/april kreeg je echt 4 op de 10 keer zo'n error. Tijdens 1 april hadden ze dus ook die skin gemaakt (die 503garden).
    Ja, maar het leren is in één woord kut. Ik heb een laptop op school, en ik heb gewoon de grammaticavragen verkloot en de rest gewoon geC-P'd van andere documenten.
    Wow we were actually that close getting closed permanently, we are very lucky to have survived.
    What happened?! I tried entering the Morpheusshipping discussion thread today, and i found that it was all locked up! Do you know what happened?
    Hey you might think it "nozomiluver" posting and talking under different, similar name but i swear it not "nozomiluver" and to be correct "nozomiluver" told me about this website couple of weeks before, i joined 2 days after "nozomiluver" got banned and yes "nozomiluver" will be coming back.
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