
@returnofMCH RPM was better than Go-Onger, but sadly most of the Disney-era sucked. They turned it into a glorified toy commercial and it lost the soul it had during the nineties.

Which seems to be the Disney motto. They don't know how to take someone else's franchise and make it work.
Heh, you say that, but I'll never forgive Saban for abandoning the entire motif of Gokaiger when they adapted it into Super Megaforce. They're supposed to be friggin' PIRATES!
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What they call "Neo-Saban era" actually pisses me off to no length.

Gokaiger was unique and pretty damn awesome.. and Saban really dumbed it down.

BUT I don't think Nick is giving the show the budget it deserves, so I'm not sure Saban can be completely to blame. I mean, they will only buy the show in 20 episode seasons, forcing Saban to divide each show into two seasons.

Further more, I love the announcements of the gear from SS and KR... so how they screwed that up in Mega Force really drives me crazy...
Mighty eevee I liked the disney era
Just because you hate disney doesn't give you the right to say my opinion sucks
Thats the entire reason I apologised for the comment below this one abput disney and star wars as I followed the old EU quite a bit but I realize I can't change your own opinion on it
I also believe that no Ranger from pre-Zyuranger should have appaered in Super Mega Force... as they had the Mega Force rangers using keys for powers that have never existed in the show, and with no explanation...

If Saban did an expanded universe kinda deal (Like Star Wars, Star Trek, etcetcetc) where they released books and comics that were still in universe, but told stories of rangers that weren't in the show and used SMF to connect them, I'd be less annoyed at that.
However I will admit disney ruined digimon until saban got it back at the same time as piwer rangers
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Yes, gear announcements are so good. I love the catchy ones like the WizarDriver (for as much as I dislike the series itself) and the Ghost Driver in particular (which basically did the exact same thing Wizard did).

Zyuohger's in particular I grew to like over time, especially after hearing its theme song for the first time. You can even get a team name call from the Zyuoh Changer on the toy version! "Doubutsu Sentai... ZYUUUU OOOOO JAAAAAAA"

In terms of the Legendary Ranger powers that didn't exist, I think that couldn't be helped due to the footage they used from those episodes. You're referring to things like the Flashman powers they used during the introduction of the Silver Ranger/GokaiSilver, right?
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Trouble is that they could have simply cut out much of those fights. Either replace them with american fights (which would cost more$$$) or use unused footage from unused episodes.

But in my opinion, they could have made an EU to explain the origins of the powers. Power Rangers books and comics would have sold like hotcakes.

Also, i never understood the hate Wizard gets. It is one awesome show.
I persoanlly liked dino thunder the best of the disney era
SPD and RPM were close contenders though
The only ones I hated during that era was mystic force and jungle fury (and the non canon reboot of mighty morphin, but thats non canon so yeah...)
And I agree on an EU for power rangers as it would allow them to FINALLY bring the pre mighty morphin rangers to america in a way
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Well, I guess it's not bad, I just feel like Wizard could have been done better. Especially considering what precedes and succeeds it...

Also, Sora is a creep to the highest degree.
Fourze sucked, honestly. But Gaim deserves every award and then some.

@returnofMCH DT sucked due to having to work the show to JDFs schedule and it was detached from the fantasy source of the original.
but I love DT and so does everyone else I know even those that watch kamen ride and super sentai!
it's my opinion.
Dino Thunder is actually highly criticized.

Ninja Storm was well done... but it actually had some meaningful story lines... before Disney started milking the franchise for $$$. But I do love how RPM gave us a dark season. Go-Onger was a silly show with a lighthearted theme that I just couldn't like so I liked RPM better.

The best seasons of the show are from the late 90s. In Space, Lost Galaxy and Lightspeed were my favourites.

Lost Galaxy is nice because it strayed as far from its source material as it could... Gingaman was a fantasy show set on Earth. Lost Galaxy was a scifi show set in space.
Still can have my own opinion as can my friends
Okay then... I guess I can't save everyone lol.
Not everyone has to agree with you. You do realize that? I can say DT is awesome and you can say it sucks
Just dont go changing others opinions or ypu WILL get punched or worse in some cases(I am guilty of this from time to time I will admit but I hate it when I do so)
Because think about my comment where I tried to get you to watch episode vii
You defended your side
I was defending mine
How did you feel that I suggested you watch something you didn't want to watch?
I felt like shit after I posted that comment and slowly backed off with each following comment until I backed off completely
Now I knew we are friends but friends respect their friends' opinions
Trust me, what if I told you that pokemon is a little kids game and to play Call of Duty pokemon is anything but and call of duty is an overrated piece of shit imo but if I where to force you to play CoD would you play it?
I wouldn't in that scenario
So tldr
Agree to disagree and leave it at that
Sorry, but this is one of the things that tick me off most
Geez, I don't think you needed to take that so seriously, lol. You know I'm alerted every time one of you replies to this, right? The same happens to you when I make a message.

On the topic at hand, I've seriously been so disconnected from Power Rangers with the exception of SPD and Overdrive in particular, and maybe RPM too (which may attribute to why I like the Go-On Wings so much), so I have absolutely zero opinion on stuff like Dino Thunder. That was an Abaranger adaptation, right?
There has been no episode vii.

Regarding DT, I'm not giving my opinion. The show has objective problems with it... Even the cast and crew have admitted that. Jason David Frank's appearance as Tommy had to work around his existing schedule, which ruined his characters feeling and plot lines. Granted through, we did get a good shot of his MMPR and Zeo forms together, but it was only in a dream world.

I can also credit DT with saving the franchise. Ninja Storm officially classed all Rangers before it as comic book characters but left it vague. It was basically a reboot... The producers changed their minds and Dino Thunder linked Ninja Storm and itself to the rest of the continuity. Disney still isn't off the hook for canceling the show at the end of RPM though.

Dino Thunder also had Connor taking a back seat to Tommy, as once again Tommy got more screentime than the other Rangers.

Dino Thunder also suffered the same fate as the other seasons of the show. The Rangers were protected by more than their suits and powers... They were protected by Plot Armour. By itself, this is nothing unusual... Most American shows have their heroes protected by plot armour. Pokemon, Power Rangers, etc. But when you realize that the white AbaRanger really did die at the end of the show, you have to wonder why our heroes are never put into any real danger.

For the record, plot armour is something I hate. I like knowing that my heroes have survived because they are good, or they are lucky. Not because they just can't be killed.

Those are facts anyway... The show was objectively riddled with problems. The cast and crew even admit that. I'm sure you can find hundreds of quotes from the crew but it was 14 years ago.


Don't even start me on that pathetic battlizer.... What was up with that?! We go from a kickass battlizer in NS to... THAT?! Granted, it isn't the worst battlizer. That honour sadly goes to Carter's bike.

And tech based biozords versus aliens from another dimension? I think I would have preferred the second.

And the lack of an american sixth ranger to fill in for the mission sixth Abaranger was a let down.

But in terms of over all bad? DT isn't the worst season ever.

Starting in Mystic Force, Disney started milking the show badly... They put things into the show just for toy selling purposes. Ugh.
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