Recent content by P_S_B

  1. P

    Is Ash's Loss in Loss in Kalos League Justifiable?

    I and a number of other people were under the impression that the writers wrote Ash to defeat Alain but then someone higher up in the anime process said, "no, he can't win," and they begrudgingly had to rewrite the ending of the match to what we got. As others have said the story narrative up to...
  2. P

    Pokémon Horizons General Discussion/Speculation Thread

    The best part is that the new main protagonist is a female, which tells me that somebody realized they screwed up the female representation in Journeys and are trying to atone for it by reminding viewers that Pokemon isn't just a boys only thing. I mean yeah, the series looks like Journeys 2.0...
  3. P

    What are your favorite songs from the anime ?

    Smile (Japanese and for some welcome reason Netflix Genesect movie ending), Together, The Sky and The Voice.
  4. P

    Preview JN136: Satoshi and Go! Embark on a New Journey!!

    So, 3 more years of no female lead, huh? That's not what I wanted to hear and I'm still hoping it's not true.
  5. P

    What's the most annoying voice in the original JPN version?

    They've probably brought it back since I basically dropped the show, but they did at least tone that down fairly early on into the series. It was easily one of the worst aspects of the show when it was a thing.
  6. P

    Review JN122: The Semifinals I: "Overwhelming Victory"

    How did 'lost kid at the League' become a checklist item? It started with Axew, continued with Chespie, was finally done properly with Mimo only for them to slip back to Axew-level crap now. The inevitable Paldea one had better be more Mimo and less random filler kid.
  7. P

    Is anyone disappointed that Journeys will come to an end soon?

    I'm just hoping that they won't ever repeat the no female main character mistake Journeys made.
  8. P

    Customization Thread

    Website says you can choose from 4 styles and I'm pretty certain they mean shorts with short sleeves, suspender trousers with long sleeves, mid-length trousers with vest and full trousers with vest and blazer, the 4 styles seen in the newest trailer and on the website.
  9. P

    Customization Thread

    I'm hoping the DLC will add more uniform styles, including skirts. Gender neutral options are becoming more prevalent in schools and while that is a good thing, the keyword is option. Skirts are still very much part of the quintessential schoolgirl experience and it seems like a tremendous...
  10. P

    Review JN120: Koharu and Eievui, the Possibilities are Endless!

    So the show's main female representative's last episode that 'finishes off' her arc was like 75% about a male character? Yeah, that sounds like Journeys.
  11. P

    Are There Any Pieces of Instrumental Dub Music You Actually Liked in the PokeAni International Dub (4Kids or TPCI)- NOT COUNTING INTROS OR ENDINGS!

    The music where Ash is running away from the Spearow in episode 1. I also like the instrumental version of You Can Do It If You Really Try that they used a few times in Johto, notably when Bulbasaur almost got crushed by the boulder.
  12. P

    Pokemon Scarlet and Violet anime (MODS' UPDATE 23/08/2022)

    Boys in one game's uniform, girls in the other is how I would do it.
  13. P

    Who was the worst trainer for Ash to lose to in a Pokémon league? Cameron or Tobias?

    The Tobias loss, while it sucked at least had the consolation prize of Ash being the only one to defeat Darkrai. The only reason Ash didn't get Top 2 is because he was matched up with Tobias before the final, he was clearly the second strongest trainer there after Tobias. Cameron on the other...
  14. P

    Worst Pokémon dubs

    The TCPI dub was at its best in the first couple of seasons of Best Wishes and the accompanying movies. The Power of Us dub was something of a return to form although the TV series dub never reached the same high.
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