Recent content by seaprince

  1. S

    Angry Olympic wrestler throws away medal

    If he didn't want it, he could've sold it on eBay.
  2. S

    Caption the screenshots!

    Magmar: Go ahead and sue me, FCC.
  3. S

    GameStop to give away Deoxys: Events to be held June 20-22, 27-29

    Got my deoxys earlier this morning. I called around 11 (when the store opens) to make sure, and they said they had it. Drove to Enfield, went in, downloaded it, got it, went to Target, got Guitar Hero DS (it rocks!), went home. Easy as pie.
  4. S

    Caption the screenshots!

    Male Croagunk 1: Isn't it great that we can legally be married now? Male Croagunk 2: It's, like, totally fantabulous!!!!
  5. S

    Music What song are you currently listening to?

    Run- Gnarls Barkley
  6. S

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

    ?!?!?!?! Viewer discretion is advised?
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    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

    Suicide is not the answer. Is cheese the answer?
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    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

  9. S

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

    Their unborn child. Does Pokemon promote teen pregnancy?
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    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

    I like turtles. Yes We Can or No We Can't?
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    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

    z-N0! Is anyone offended by this? *stares at PokemonHero*
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    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

    Because certain people thought my previous user name, lickitung, meant I was--- well, you know. If you die during the first dance at your wedding, are you "an hero"?
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    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

    For great justice! How are you gentleman?
  14. S

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer-- the thread that will someday rule BMGf

    To the Super Bowl. Do Drifblims where sunglasses at night? (If you get the in-joke, you get a cookie!)
  15. S

    Trade Coordination Thread

    Does anyone have female Combee? I'm annoyed trying to find one :X I'll give you a legit Manaphy egg that I don't need. Thanks in advance!
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