
Time Breaker
Time Breaker
Doing well! Anything particularly interest-sparking that's happened as of late?

Oh and Super and stuff.
Neo Blaze
Neo Blaze
Nothing really, except Guardians 2 which was really great.

Yeah! I still like Super a lot but I wish they would start the damn tournament already...
Time Breaker
Time Breaker
Glad to hear you enjoyed it! You know me, never got into the MCU... (considering I haven't seen one film to date :p)

I'm enjoying this pre-tournament stuff because I feel like the actual tournament is going to fly by. I mean, it's one match with 80 fighters, so they can't drag it out THAT long, right? Though I do wonder if the other four Universes are going to get their own tournament, perhaps with the winner of the Tournament of Power or something.
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