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  1. Gengarzilla

    What are your game headcanons?

    "It's said that Hydreigon grew ferocious because people in times long past loathed it, considering it to be evil incarnate and attacking it relentlessly." -Hydreigon, Pokémon Violet Pokédex. I just wanna say, I had been headcanoning this one for years before the Pokédex brought it up...
  2. Gengarzilla

    What are your game headcanons?

    Regieleki and Regidrago were created before what we call the original golem trio, and were intended to be part of the real trio. Before Regigigas created a third though (something like Regisych for Psychic), these two went wild due to the "unstable" nature of their elements and were sealed away...
  3. Gengarzilla

    What are your game headcanons?

    It's already for sure that Mew isn't the origin of some legendary, mythical, or man-made/inorganic Pokémon. Unless a Mew was somehow part of the Silph Co. development team that gave birth to Porygon, it's not implausible that Rotom also didn't originate from Mew in any way.
  4. Gengarzilla

    What are your game headcanons?

    The war that Kalos fought 300 years before the events of X and Y was against Galar. This was in defense of Unova and several nearby territories, who had declared independence from their Galarian overlords and were in a desperate fight with them to maintain it. Unova and Kalos have maintained...
  5. Gengarzilla

    What are your game headcanons?

    I think my only issue is that you seem to have grabbed Misty's brief fantasy from the anime's ninth episode and stitched it onto her quite distinct game counterpart. Otherwise, interesting stuff.
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