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  1. Phosphene

    This or That

    Generally I don’t listen to traditional genres, but I’d say I prefer rock. There’s a few old rock songs that I like to listen to occasionally. Potatoes or tomatoes?
  2. Phosphene

    This or That

    I'd say siblings because I have a closer relationship with my younger brother and we share more interests compared to my friends. Snow or hail?
  3. Phosphene

    This or That

    I had a cake with what I believe was cool whip frosting, and it tasted and looked artificial. So I'm going to go with whipped cream. Thin-crust pizza or thick-crust pizza?
  4. Phosphene

    This or That

    I may be heavily biased, but science 100%. The above response was for the science vs. English comment. At the level I am now, science and math tend to be intertwined, and I've grown to like math to a degree, but I'd still go with science. Cheese or milk?
  5. Phosphene

    This or That

    I think both are pretty neat, but I'll go with Yi qi because I heard of it first. Ubirajara jubatus or microraptor?
  6. Phosphene

    This or That

    I have an somewhat old dinosaur/prehistoric creatures book that depicts Coelurosauravus as having fairy-like wings, with the membranes only connected near the arms. Looking at Wikipedia to refresh my memory, it appears that was an inaccurate restoration. Since Coelurosauravus looks relatively...
  7. Phosphene

    This or That

    Herrerasauridae. The only dinosaur I'm familiar with from either family is Herrerasaurus, and I'm quite the sucker for therapods. Carnotaurus or Majungasaurus?
  8. Phosphene

    This or That

    A lot of 3D animation doesn't look visually pleasing because it's in the uncanny valley for me, at least in terms of movies. So I'd go with 2D animation, which I generally find to be more pleasing to the eye. Orcas or mosasaurs?
  9. Phosphene

    This or That

    Birds. Fish are alright, but I really, really like birds. Granite or marble?
  10. Phosphene

    This or That

    Piano. I’m probably heavily biased as I’ve played the instrument for a long time (until college, that is), but I really do love the sound of it. I generally dislike music with vocals, however, I’m also not into anything that involves actors. Most movies, where I have the most experience with...
  11. Phosphene

    This or That

    I always feel like my work comes out better when I draw with a pencil despite all the fancy tools that comes with digital drawing. Maybe it’s because I feel I have more control when drawing with a pencil (with digital art, I draw with my finger on a dying iPad). Cheesecake or regular cake?
  12. Phosphene

    This or That

    Hard to say as all three are pretty interesting reptiles in their own right. I guess I'd go with mosasaurs as, if I remember correctly, they were the most deadly and powerful out of the three. Baryonyx, Spinosaurus, or Ichthyovenator?
  13. Phosphene

    This or That

    Traditional. I like digital art and all, however, I feel that digital art tends to look uglier than traditional art unless it is attempting to mimic traditional art. The threshold for something that looks good is much higher for digital art, in my opinion. To me, amateur water-color looks better...
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