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  1. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    Yeah it gets particularly bad in the TCPI era.
  2. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    Oh, sometimes in your comparisons it's hard to tell when you're joking and when you're being serious. For me around 3-4 minutes of silence is the sweet spot, that's about how much the DBZ English dub had per episode.(though the Orange Box DVDs annoyingly added in more dialogue where there was...
  3. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    Wow two episode comparisons in a row! Dogasu you're too kind. Wow they added kill to the English dub? Interesting, I thought for sure that line was in the original. Still not bothered by the addition of music during silent scenes(9 minutes worth of silence is a LOT for an episode of a animated...
  4. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    Interesting new comparison, it's surprising that the dub is actually MORE explicit about the romantic stuff when usually it's the other way around and you see dubs toning that stuff down so i'm surprised to learn that it was more subtle in the original version. I'm personally not bothered by...
  5. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    That would make sense if the masters were left that way as that did turn out to be the case with the masters TMS gave 4Kids for Sonic X as there was one episode where Sonic is holding a sign where the text of the sign got radically altered and people assumed it was a 4kids edit but nope, TMS...
  6. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    Checked out the new comparison, interesting that 4Kids version was a bit darker and i'm quite surprised that they weren't responsible for having the mayor bathe in a towel LOL. Also never realized how underutilized Muk was until you pointed it out, shame Ash didn't use it outside of leagues...
  7. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    Gamestop dropped this interesting video talking about the complicated business of Pokemon, it touches on some of the things Dogasu has talked about so thought it was worth sharing here:
  8. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    That's a laugh, it underperformed because in syndication and later on USA Network it was given consistently bad timeslots either really early in the morning or weekday afternoons when kids were in school so of course hardly anybody watched it, he's definitely engaging in some revisionist history...
  9. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    I'm not surprised as they themselves were probably following in the footsteps of the Sailor Moon dub which also wasn't known for being faithful to the original yet it still had a passionate and dedicated fanbase, 4Kids were no doubt hoping to get that same fanbase and more.
  10. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    We'll see, perhaps the latest episode can shed some light on that:
  11. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    He didn't exactly put it to bed considering he admitted there was a lot of stuff he didn't know(he was completely unaware of the existence of 4Kids own uncut dubs of Yugioh and Shaman King and someone had to point them out to him)and he never outright said it wasn't true.
  12. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    I think for One Piece they do as Toei did have to approve every single change they did and they were perfectly OK with all of it. If I had to guess the reason for skipping episodes it might be because Dragonball GT had gotten pretty good ratings despite skipping over it's first 16 episodes.
  13. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    Huh that actually makes sense, I believe Honda's name in Yugioh was changed to Tristan for similar reasons, sure Honda is a Japanese car company but 4Kids lawyers probably didn't want to take any chances(especially not after legal threats from Uri Geller had forced them to retire Kadabra and...
  14. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    Interesting comparison, I think the name Ford should've been kept, i'm not a big western guy so the reference would've gone over my head regardless of his name. Personally I don't see what's so horrifying about Meowth using the word "juicy", he's referring to the fact that Magnemite make a lot...
  15. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    I read that in an interview around a decade ago, unfortunately i'm currently having no luck finding a link to it. I'll definitely keep an eye out though and see if perhaps someone on the Pokemon sub-reddit can find it.
  16. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    There was a similar contract with the video game Sonic CD, to date it's the only Sonic game to get a new soundtrack for the U.S. release(primarily due to many of the original stage themes featuring a lot of samples of actual music artists that would've required Sega of America to go through a...
  17. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    I'm a big fan of the their dub of Yugioh and somehow I missed that(probably because it comes from my least favorite season of the entire show and it's easy for me to forget most of what happens in it LOL)despite watching the show all the way through at least twice.
  18. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    Fair enough, anyways looking forward to the comparison of "Get Along Little Pokemon"(the final episode featuring Nathan Price).
  19. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    oh i'm not gaslighting myself into anything, i've been critical about how much TCPI has replaced since 2006. With 4Kids they had good enough replacement music that I honestly didn't notice and had to have it pointed out to me, but TCPI music usually stuck out like a sore thumb and absolutely did...
  20. D

    Dogasu's Backpack Discussion

    I don't think it counts personally but I see your point, they did admittedly replace a lot of music at first but later on they kept quite a bit more of it. Whereas in the TCPI era they'd replace 3/4 of the music in every episode or more.
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