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the urge 2 rant about popular kanjoh hcs because im in a kanjoh mood again and so my never ending rage at kanjoh mischaracterization is back
Yung Dramps
Yung Dramps
glad im not the only one who uses the phrase "kanjoh" when talking about media in that section of the pokemon world
kanjoh is such a good term 4 it. #1 kanjoh enjoyer
Well, my pet green-cheeked conure, Zephyr, took a bath in his water dish. Again. Why does he do that? Does he like baths? Or does he just like the Fiji bottled water I put in his water dish that much? :unsure::hmm: Considering I spritz him with a plant spritzer I wonder why he keeps taking baths in his water dish? And I just changed that water this morning, too... What a character he is. :rolleyes:
i have finally overcome my fears and made a tumblr acc however it appears that i only overcame the fear of actually making the account and not actually doing anything on said account.... um.... ^-^
mastermind lissi
mastermind lissi
Can I follow you for now? It’s fine if not I just like having peoples tumblrs lol

(I can send you mine later if you’d like, my phone doesn’t have Tumblr)
it's darlingdeception !!!!havent worked at all on the layout so dont mind that i just put whatever lyra art i had laying around ><
spent the whole day rushing something only 2 realize i have an entire months worth of time 2 still do it. so in other words im free! back 2 yapping on here. ^_^
i know i just posted but it makes me so sad 2 run into archives of peoples old personal sites i think people should make their own sites again. the closest ive seen 2 it aside from neocities is strawpage... theres carrd and rentry too but id consider them theyr own thing altho ive seen people do a bunch with carrd but most people just use it as a basic intro page instead of a full site.
it is very easy 2 find pokemon fans however very difficult 2 find pokemon fans who enjoy it in the same specific way that u do. i need 2 hunt down all my queer gameverse likers especially those who r extremely into random obscure cgaracters and force u all into a box
Is PBR obscure enough :bulbaLol:

(I would also say "hands u my trio of queer Hoenn peoples" but Wallace and Steven at least are fairly popular lol)

But yeah I get you. When people I know say "I like Pokemon too!" and I think to myself "okay but is it in the 'I like the video games' way or the 'I would like to hear you talk about your lorebuilding for hours' way".
idk what is going on with me sometimes i will be looking at one of my own posts and be thinking 'who the hell is this person with the robotech avatar' and then like 20 seconds later realize 'oh wait that's me'
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