Recent content by Aelia

  1. A

    Music What song are you currently listening to?

    Live recording of Colours Fly and Catherine Wheel by Simple Minds. Slappa de bass.
  2. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    "It should be." Waterfront grumbled.
  3. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    "A biosphere. Not "an"." Waterfront said.
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    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    "Keeps raiders out. Makes sense." Waterfront said.
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    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    ''I'm used to it. Some things hurt FAR more.''
  6. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    ''... What do you mean?'' Waterfront asked, injecting the drug into her foreleg, letting out a sigh of relief.
  7. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    ''I know, Just gimme a sec.'' Waterfront said, sticking the syringe into her right foreleg.
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    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    ''I know. I'm sorry. I can't control myself... I've got some issues.'' Waterfront said, levitating one of her syringes of Med-X from her saddlebags.
  9. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    ''I'm sorry, okay? If some robot insults me over my scars, I'm gonna freak out. It's not something I can control. I just... Freak out whenever someone mentions my scars in a negative context.'' Waterfront said. ''Where'd they come from, anyway...?'' Sabre quietly muttered.
  10. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    Waterfront hopped back onto the ground, her magic soon fading. ''I... I'm sorry. I lost myself there...''
  11. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    Waterfront leaped up, clinging on to REM's chassis as she sent another surge of magic through his systems, twice as powerful. ''Those ponies you call low-class... At least they have some fucking balls! They don't sit out in their safe town all day, being posh cunts and doing nothing of value...
  12. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    Suddenly, Waterfront's horn let loose a burst of magic, surging through REM's chassis, the surge focused on his targeting systems, scrambling them.
  13. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    Waterfront looked at the ground for a moment before trotting up to REM again, her horn crackling with magic. ''In the end, none of you ''high-class'' individuals are any better than the wastelanders out there. You're just a bunch of posh cunts who think they mean something because they wear...
  14. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    ''No. It's not. Just because I bear the scars of some 13 years of roaming the wasteland doesn't mean I'm ''low-class''. Do you think I just went like ''oh, let's scar my own body'' one day? Because you're wrong. Half of these scars were inflicted by the slaver asshole who raped me pretty much...
  15. A

    My Little Pony: Fallout (Me and Chromia)

    ''If you didn't mean offence, you should've thought about your words before speaking.'' Waterfront said, suddenly stopping dead in her tracks.
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