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  • I'm gonna wish you a Happy Birthday, but I really think you should ease off the crack a bit.
    We were watching a bit of 100 best Christmas songs a couple nights ago, and I'd be interested in seeing the toy one. We're definitely putting up our tree this weekend, so cutting it kinda short haha. I still need to wrap my mums stuff up, it's kinda just sitting there taunting me haha. Doesn't really feel like it's Christmas round my bit, there's a couple houses with minor decorations up, but not much really.
    Quite good too, just been playing ORAS for hours on end lately. We haven't even got decorations up, it we have put up cards. I'd imagine all the Christmas stuff will go up later this week. Xmas TV is on over here a lot though, so my mum at least is kinda sorta in the mood.
    Since I swtiched to the black cat theme, I have not changed - it's cute and fun....
    But it's for Halloween. You rebel!
    I know!! I love that theme!
    I love cats, none of the the other themes/skins caught my attention.
    Me liking Metal Music, it's almost "Helloween" every day night in my room.
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