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  • actually I'm more concerned with how "mom-friendly" it is, lol

    -Grabs Vulpix- Sleepy time! 2:06 A.M.! Night!
    then in my yearbook he drew a big torterra that says Fu-- Yeah! On it... Ugh... Ruined my yearbook, but it's Sam, so its excused.
    I had a friend do a picture of me with my torterra stanley. It's hangin in my room. It's crazy good. Maybe I'll upload it sometime
    Heck yes I do! :D
    I have a pic of me, my gf, and vulpix that I'll be posting soon. On facebook and on Bulby
    He's so cute! It's name is obviously Thespia :D I swear, I'm bringing him to high school. I dont care what everyone else says.
    If you're ever lookin for rare pokemon look for me first, I probably have what you're searching for.
    Oh, I was just gonna make an egg for you and give it to you that way, then you could still name it. But if you want your own thats cool.
    you want a riolu? lol. If you want help with that I can send one your way :) but if you wanna get it yourself I understand
    that was fun! It was nice being able to hear you. So many people turn the mic off. I think its creepy, cuz then I have no clue if they're who they say they are.
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