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  • It's really cool!

    Anywho, I gotta eat dinner, but I'll be back later. Nice to meet you, and we'll start the RP soon :D
    yeah, I personally dont like girls in makeup. at least, not too much. a little is ok, but i think it is kinda ugly
    I'm open to everything, and i listen to everyone's beliefs, but i believe what I believe. I'm not like, intolerant by any means though.

    UGH! they're such creeps! and they always come up with stupid phrases like "yeah, buddy!" and "tool". all the jocks at our school say it. its REALLY annoying
    lol, yeah, ppl are jerks :p that's why I like talking to girls more than guys as well. They're typically less aggressive and jerklike. I cant stand most guys :p
    I'm christian, but i dont 1. shove it up ppls noses, 2. freak out when someone says like, "damn" or w/e
    but yeah, rping pkmns is so much better than ppl

    I'm already a person, I'd rather be something i'm not when I'm trying to escape what i am :)
    oh sure! I love starting.

    Plus with two people it allows for better character development. Plus we can add more later if we find the need

    ah, yeah, mine are just super relig
    oh, i was thinkin it could just be the two of us, I dont like multiperson rps cuz its a hassle keepin everyone involved... Do you wanna start or should I?

    yeah, my parents are kinda restrictive.
    I dont like being a trainer :p

    if you like animal rp, visit the site in my sig :D

    so, how we gonna do this? we need a plot... and i cant start it right now... my parents arent too hot on rping, so i cant do it with them right in the next room :p

    I will reply pretty consistently tho :D
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