Recent content by Moe

  1. Moe

    How long do you give it until Ash, Pikachu and Team Rocket returns?

    I get the feeling we will find out soon how attached the series is to the old one - because it just doesn't make sense to set the series in Kanto and then go out of the way to avoid all the established characters from the Kanto games, which even if you don't count Ash as Red, includes Gym...
  2. Moe

    Review JN111: Mohn and Lilie, Snowfield Reunion

    I'm very late on this and it's been a long while since I've posted, but I've been catching up on the series (subbed, so posting here) and just got to this episode - going in fairly blind other than the major spoilers published about Ash... So it came as a total surprise other than the few...
  3. Moe

    Review JN049: Koharu and the Mysterious, Mysterious Eievui!

    This is probably the first episode I've ever been happy to see a pitfall trap - just because of how rare they've become made it totally unexpected unlike the overusage in the early seasons. My main problem with this episode - why wasn't it like episode 4 or 5 or something? It's not like they've...
  4. Moe

    Does anyone else think Moe in Pokemon episode 18 was really creepy?

    Not really. (Actually yes, but that ruins my username related joke)
  5. Moe

    Review JN045: Sword & Shield IV - The Ultimate Sword and Shield

    I'm kinda disappointed that Riolu got an evolution here with the generic tough battle pushes through evolution that makes up half of anime evolutions - it really should have been something more special than that. I did like that there was the slight hint with the use of the aura communication...
  6. Moe

    Review JN038: Miracle Restoration, the Fossil Pokémon!

    I really can't stand Ash constantly being with only Pikachu - next week's episode is Riolu focused, it would have absolutely no downside to the storyline to have it at the very least battle alongside Pikachu - or even send Pikachu with Koharu to keep her safe while Riolu battled Team Rocket...
  7. Moe

    Review JN037: I'm Back, Nice to Meet You, Alola!

    So happy to see even a tiny bit of follow up to the Lillie/Gladion storyline - especially the bonus of Gladion's amazing outfit in the scene. I'd obviously like a full sidestory episode on continuing that, but hopefully the future Alola episode promised here might be significantly about that...
  8. Moe

    Review JN029: Electrifying Jealousy! Wanpachi's Feelings

    Was really hanging out for a Koharu episode, but I felt kinda disappointed by this one - as it didn't really go into anything about her character in terms of why she's not out on a Pokemon journey, and as such, why she's promoted as being a fairly major character despite almost never appearing...
  9. Moe

    Review JN028: Sobbing Messon

    I liked this episode. The accidental capture is a far nicer way of the capture happening than the end of the episode Pokeball headbutt you'd usually get in an episode like this, and a good twist on the usual easy catches Gou has. I like the general trend that more and more there's showing some...
  10. Moe

    Review JN025: A Battle Festival Exploding With Life! VS Mega Lucario!!

    He's the champion of Alola and finished very high up in most Leagues he's entered, and this episode shows continuity with that legacy - so I think it's good he's moving up rankings quickly, he's a very accomplished trainer and that should be reflected in him being able to relatively quickly get...
  11. Moe

    Review JN024: Take a Break! Rocket-dan!

    Really felt Ash was massively out of character - Pikachu potentially gone forever and he's sitting in a Pokemon Center? Would he really be okay with "oh well we don't know where they could have gone". He'd be ringing in every damn flying mon he owned and scanning the area day and night - not...
  12. Moe

    Review JN021: Convey the Wave Guidance! Satoshi and the Mysterious Egg!!

    I give this episode 100 out of 10 for this shot alone. I'm very intrigued by the Riolu, just the theme of the series so far is constantly dropping really good Pokemon and characters in, but not spending enough time developing them. The short scene with Dragonite was nice, but I feel like Ash...
  13. Moe

    Review JN007: The Hoenn Region, Site of Fierce Fights! The Battle Frontier Challenge!!

    Was a bit tempted to just switch the episode off when Ash revealed Mr Mime as his other Pokemon - it is really going to get annoying if Ash both doesn't catch anything new and also doesn't use any of his past Pokemon - Pikachu is way over battled already this series and using his Mom's Pokemon...
  14. Moe

    Review SM139: Birth! The Alola Champion!!

    There's so much I could be negative about, I wrote off the league as a whole because of the lack of genuine opposition, the gimmicky battle-royale, 1v1 battles, no full battles at all, etc. I went into the league thinking, this one doesn't matter, it doesn't count, it's not a real league, etc...
  15. Moe

    Review SM108: Inside Kapu-Rehire's Mist

    Been quite a while since I've posted to review an episode - but this one is such a step above that I felt like I needed to add to the praise for this episode. The build up was solid here, the last few episodes stepping into this theme of connecting with departed loved ones set the scene, and...
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