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  • Lol, this is what I do here. Spread the Korean men everywhere. xD
    Which state if you don't mind my asking? :3
    To be frank, I don't really know much about Korean stuff, except for K-Pop bands. xDDD
    Saturn, wussup? Wait I forgot to say this, HIYA PEOPLE! Anyways, thanks fr joinin the club fr cat pokemon lovers! I made that 1 by the way, not to bragg... xD PLEASE BE MY FREIND! :bounce:
    BOOYAH! Hi Sat. I've been going on an anime and manga spree while I have some time. But now I'm confused on what to watch lol. xD

    Also you never told me you're a manga/anime fan. We need to talk! >D
    Technically, the Stunfisk cult isn't a fanclub, it was supposed to be a parady reli--totally serious religious group, I mean. But it's kind of dead so it doesn't really matter if you join, I'll allow it. There is an actual Stunfisk fanclub, though.
    [SUB][SUB]shit i never replied[/SUB][/SUB]
    I agree. His corpse scene was my favourite in the series, though.
    Glad to hear your cat doesn't murder babies and then Fritzl your family.

    That eel looks pretty cool, are you able to keep other fish in the tank with it? I'm also interested to hear how the flytrap and insects co-exist.

    My friend used to have a tortoise years and years ago. He kept it tied to a rock in his garden with a hole drilled through its shell. Turns out that apparently their shells are incredibly sensitive and not just pieces of solid bone, so anyone who does that now can be fined for it.
    Which particular fat cat was this? I did hear about the cat which 'imprisoned' a family in a room against their will.

    Only the antisocial cat at the moment, maybe a dog in the future? what have you got?
    Cool, that's awesome. He's good at Mafia. Sometimes. Seems like you're awesome. Do you guys go to the same school?
    ...so, you cut off pieces of her and attached them to yourself?
    [SUB][SUB]why are conversations with people i just met on BMGf always this weird[/SUB][/SUB]
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