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  • Haven't talked in ages - sorry... - but if you feel like it 'A Gamers Review of the Bug Type - Part 6' is out now.
    Yep, I'm new. I have, however, been lurking here for a good long while before I decided to join. I always used to enjoy your posts because they were so intelligent. There would be a thread that would veer off-topic, you'd be the one to fix everything.
    Hi. I saw your posts around here, and I thought you came off as an intelligent, sophisticated and cool person.
    Best wishes, best wishes... Dejé de verlo después del espisodio 9, 10 quizá. Asi de atareado he estado!!! EN realidad no he podido ver nada de películas/anime/manga/comics/videojuegos en el último mes. Básciamente he sido una máquina emotionless duranteeste tiempo. Apenas pude relajarme en las pasadas fiestas (por cierto, espero no sea tarde para desearte felices fiestas u.u)... pero.... BEL? BEL apereció??? Ya tengo qué hacer lo que queda del fin de semana!!

    Respecto de mi carencia de vacaciones, no es nada ilegal de hecho: en México, las vacaciones se "ganan" con el tiempo acumulado en el lugar de trabajo. El primer año sólo se conceden un par de días (en este caso me dieron el 24 y 31 de diciembre que oficialmente son días laborales a pesar de ser días festivos) y ya, ésas son mis "vacaciones", hasta el próximo año tendré derecho a descanso real *feels so miserabily tired*

    Pero al menos valió la pena. Ayer y antier estuvo de maravilla n_n Y tú cómo pasaste las fiestas?
    Ok... I think I went overboarding with the squealing and tonguebathing in the Manual Pokédex thread... What can I say? Your art is so good it brings out the fangirl in me. :)
    What's that song that plays whenever the robot transforms and kicks enemy robot ass? I really like that one. :)
    It's not that good a song tbh. I liked some of the other songs more. :p

    Also, which HP musical?
    Yeah, it is XD

    Yes....the second I saw your VM, I had the urge to see more...hence the late response. It's gut-busting hilarious. I agree with you; it makes Ginny x Harry a plausible pairing. And Draco...DRACO. Omg...
    No, no, no, it's not that! I'm glad you told me, because I wasn't so sure of them myself. It's just...since I'm not an expert pixel artist I tend to spend more time on stuff like that than necessary...and I'm just cranky because I lost sleep over them XD

    Once I get into the habit though, I get addicted...that's why I made that ms paint tutorial years ago. I'm a masochist x_x
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