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  • Oh, and abou the themes, you only need to get the update, and you'll get a theme selection button in settings. some theme's cost money, but they've got sounds, music, and really cool visuals, plus they're only 2 bucks. the free ones aren't as extensive, but even they make your DS look awesome. (I like the red one)

    The update also adds screenshots, an updated HUD, and even image sharing. It's well worth the 30 seconds to install the update.
    are you kidding? everyone else was just like "Here, have a level 1 nidoran!" I hope that wasn't your only Manaphy. I'd feel super guilty. (It does have a nice nature, though)
    Yeah. I got a yoshi one. the home menu plays the super mario theme, the folders are yoshi eggs, everything is green, when you click on icons it makes a coin sound, and best of all, when on the home menu, if you close the ds and openit, you hear yoshi go "YOSHIIII!" It's pretty cool.

    also, please tell me you're the one who gave me the manaphy, and I didn't just give the ditto to a stranger.
    we can trade now, if you'd like. I've registered you, and am online now.

    by the way, have you seen the new theme's for the 3ds? I hope they make a pokemon one...
    I do. a male shiny adamant torchic with reversal. and a shiny charmander, (no egg moves) what would u want in exchange
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