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  • You do?I'm completely BOTH! I love Pokeshipping as much as Advanceshipping. I actually like the cuteness of Ash and May together specially in the Manaphy movie. XD I'm actually a multishipper in general. Right now, I'm on to shipping nevermets.
    No problem.

    I can't do anything to help you with that. A fic becomes popular by word of mouth due to the quality of it. If you put the utmost effort into it, explore new ground, and really flesh out the plot and characters, those will draw the readers in all by themselves. I've seen a decent amount of fics where Gio was a generic villain being evil "for teh evulz" and Ash freaking out over his heritage, and they're usually pretty plain and "meh". Love that they have Diamondshipping, but other than that they don't have much going for them, at least for me.

    Honestly, by this point I don't think he'd really care if his mom had relationship with Giovanni in the past and he was the result of it because it seems like they've been doing just fine on their own. Prof. Oak seems to be a great substitute father figure to him, and other than the hiccup in his friendship with Gary his life in Pallet Town was a happy one. (Though that's just how it comes off to me and what I've adopted into most of my headcanons for the recent history of Pallet Town.)

    Now if Giovanni and Delia were still together (as they are in another one of my headcanons), then I think he'd flip his shit. xD This route is much, much less realistic going by the shows standards, but I find it much more fun to read.

    Sorry for going off topic there about my personal routes for the ship. ^^; But the way to get your fic known is to make it stand out with new ideas and great characterization. If you do that people will voluntarily advertise your fic via word of mouth.
    Although you could go here and ask someone to make a banner for your fic that you could put in your signature. That way you can show it off every time you post.
    Thanks mate, and sorry i didn't get a notification about you're last message :) yeahh i'm starting fanficts
    I used to write quite a bit actually. I'm in the middle of writing something bigger though, has nothing to do with advanceshipping unfortunately. If you want I could start writing some one shots for the thread :p
    Maybe. I don't know if I would to be honest. I don't like Ash much. I'm a fan of Red and to me there's a difference. Same with Blue and Gary. Normally I don't call characters colors because they have names and calling a person a color is just silly. But in the instance of Red and Blue (or Green I suppose since the Japanese started with Green not Blue) there's a significant difference.
    Curiosity. But I also think Touko could be good for Red. And... well damn. I can't think of anything else. lol. But yeah, nothing special, mostly curiosity, and reasons I can't seem to put into words.

    What's the fic?
    Glad to see you didn't fall into the trap of throwing everything into one big paragraph like some other first-timers.

    The idea of Gio raising through the ranks was also a nice addition that isn't exactly unheard of, but usually isn't the route taken.
    If you'd really like to know what the Illuminati is about, read the rules they've set in solid granite in various modern and ancient languages.
    What makes you think of 'demon shit'? The feudal masks? No, they're a symbol of anonymity, a.k.a. not seeing one's face. Anything else bringing things like that up that I could clear up?
    We are anonymous.
    We are legion.
    United as one.
    Divided by zero.
    We do not forgive.
    We do not forget.
    Expect us.

    Anonymous is not affiliated in any sort with the Illuminati, but they are on similar grounds of World Order with them. And unlike the Illuminati, we have active, living proof of Anon's existence—they are a real and serious organizational collective attempting to work together and bring in democracy anew. On of my most favoured teachings of Anonymous is that the downfall of the 1% is that without the 99% they are nothing. The Illuminati is a portion of the 1% (like the top of the top of the top portion of it), so in a sense you could say the two are in competition.
    I sure was by good-ol' Insanish Danish for telling her to take it away from a thread with a smiley face ":)". Did I mention I've been completely banned from the AdvanceShipping thread (can still post in the Shippers' Paradise lol) until Evil Figment decides I can go back. From what I gather PorahgonX and Itssuppereffective are pissed about it, and Midnightmoon is basically like "you broke a rule even though you broke it minorly" - not like I'm going to argue with her even then.

    The time to act is now. The US government is corrupt beyond repair, and its time to join the ranks of Legion and fight back. If you live here, you seriously need to watch all of this video. If you're not living there, its still important.
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