Jersey Jimmy
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  • I'll be sending you the repair bill costs if anything did break. :p

    And I'm fine, how are you?
    Just cause an RP's start up has been posted doesn't mean you can't join, people jump in the middle of it a lot o fthe time it's just a matter of talking to the GM of said RP, but again it's your choice.
    *shrugs* it honestly depends on people but I honestly recommend joining other people's RPs :p people are most likely to join an RP of someone they've at least seen or heard of before or talked to or been in other RPs with.
    What does that have to do with a person with no limbs? Just how would you go about "hanging" them on a wall, and why would such a thing be considered art?
    Har har, you gonna come up with a clever shipping name now? Anyway, I maintain that the trick with action is to use a few good details. I studied Dan Abnett, he does really good action sequences. And mental note, look again at that PM
    Aah, did not know that and subsequently proved i'm a geek. (Although depressed loner does describe Teen Titan Raven accurately, so you can see where i got that idea.)

    What section is that in because i've never heard of it? There are so many parts to this forum i don't actually use it's criminal.
    Does Sabrina really need a 'gimmick'? She is a psychic, an esper if you will. A gym leader in Kanto and an actress in Unova. her personality comes off as serious and intellectual enough to have designed that teleporter maze.

    just to be clear, when you say Raven, you mean DC character of the Teen Titans, right? As for the prejudice thing, Sabrina's a loner but i think that's more by choice. (I am of course referring only to game canon here.)
    I'm not into pro wrestling. You mean like WWE? I think John Cena & CM Punk are hot, that's about it.
    Quick response! I'll admit, setting is my strong suit, though in the case of Longwater I more or less took it from Celebi: Voice of the Forest. I'm quite pleased with the Interlude - I think most of that came to me in the shower

    No, he hasn't as yet, though I wouldn't be surprised if the group is looking to write one. Eve was, one monster of a 9,000 word battle
    Oh good. I don't follow fics but if you tell me where it's posted i'l have a look. I'm writing a serial fiction atm, just started part 3 and had to restart 3 times just because i wasn't happy with the direction it was taking. I'd be up for giving constructive criticism if you like, as a fellow learner of writing i could share tips.

    BTW, this is a little bit the booze talking, but i kinda fancy you. (You don't have to tell me, i know it doesn't make sense.)
    You are on my 'friends' list and we've messaged in the past 6 months. I felt it warranted a message to all both of you. (The other is Rabbit, FYI.)

    So, whaddup, sweet thang?
    Just letting you know, i changed my username. Formerly PickleMendip (and still am on many other websites).
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