Search results for query: *

  1. D

    What city are you closest to right now?

    Closest to Glasgow.
  2. D

    Lucky Numbers

    8 and 64. 8 because it's 2^3, 64 because it's 8^2.
  3. D

    What career would you like to have if you were in the Pokemon world?

    Scientist/researcher, definitely. You could learn a lot from the nature of Pokemon, what with their evolution, resilience to harm and stuff which could be put to use to help people in a lot of ways.
  4. D

    Pokemon you habitually mispronounce.

    Rayquaza, which I pronounce Ray-KWAH-zah, rather than Ray-QUAY-zah. Which is the official pronunciation, right?
  5. D

    Music What song are you currently listening to?

    How to Disappear Completely - Radiohead West Bay Invitational - Jawbreaker
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    Music What song are you currently listening to?

    Forms of Paper by Steve Roden.
  7. D

    Music What song are you currently listening to?

    Loomer by My Bloody Valentine
  8. D

    What video games are you playing now?

    Shadow of the Colossus, Final Fantasies 6, 9 and 10, Guild Wars 2, and Pokemon Emerald.
  9. D

    Music What song are you currently listening to?

    In Mist She Was Standing by Opeth
  10. D

    Music What song are you currently listening to?

    My Bloody Valentine - Only Shallow
  11. D

    Hi everybody!

    Welcome to the forest.
  12. D

    Alter ^'s Username

  13. D

    The Vending Machine!

    Out comes a teapot *Inserts tea*
  14. D

    Ban the User Above v2

    Banned for breaking the rules
  15. D

    Guess the NAME of the User Above You.

  16. D

    Have You Ever?

    Never tried it. Have you ever walked in to a wall, post, fence or anything else you should have seen.
  17. D

    ^ The One Above [v2]

    ^ doesn't know themself.
  18. D

    This user above died of.....

    Died by smiling.
  19. D

    One Letter at a Time v2

  20. D

    Another Word Game v2

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