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  1. S

    LF Turtwig

    I dont have much stuff to trade but i need a turtwig for my team, idk what i could trade to you but let me know if you have a turwig please!
  2. S

    Want: Pokerus infected pokemon

    ive got a ho oh with pokerus
  3. S

    wanted shieldon and cranidos

    sure whats ur fc and mines in my siggy gimme a sec to breed it plz :] ty for the shieldon woas
  4. S

    wanted shieldon and cranidos

    i dont have much, the three sinnoh starters nd some other reg pokes, ill give u a lv 100 bellossom shiny but not sure if its hacked got it in the gts
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    wanted shieldon and cranidos

    kk my fc is in my sig n lemme know when ur done =]
  6. S

    wanted shieldon and cranidos

    yes i have a lv 50 snorlax will that do? and what would u like for the crani dumble?
  7. S

    wanted shieldon and cranidos

    like it says, I`d like to get those two. Any lv, nature, and gender. Lemme know what you have, i dont have much to offer but ill try
  8. S

    want buneary

    hey everyone i need a female buneary any nature lemme know what you have
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    Offering: Pointless Giratina

    ill give u a shiny golem for it
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    offering shiny golem

    ill take zapdos for it
  11. S

    offering shiny golem

    looking to trade off my shiny lv 25 golem legit caught as geodude and raised myself has a hardy nature. leave offers
  12. S

    /Gen V WholeSale Giveaway! (NOW OFFERING ITEMS!) [On Temp. Hiatus]

    Re: Offering: WholeSale Giveaway!!! (Fossil Pokemon/Starters) tyvm my fc is 1248 6027 9735 ill be on most of today
  13. S

    WANT arceus or dpp starters

    kk im on my dsi for net too so ill be waitin ingame to trade
  14. S

    WANT arceus or dpp starters

    i dont have event legy but ill trade the lucario ss fc 1248 6027 9735 lemme know when ready and do i use the friend code in ur sig
  15. S

    /Gen V WholeSale Giveaway! (NOW OFFERING ITEMS!) [On Temp. Hiatus]

    Re: Offering: WholeSale Giveaway!!! (Fossil Pokemon/Starters) can i get a cranidos? any one doesnt matter
  16. S

    offering lv 73 shiny lucario

    i also have a ss groudon lv 50 and a lv 84 lugia leave offers :] thx
  17. S

    WANT arceus or dpp starters

    idk how to even check that
  18. S

    WANT arceus or dpp starters

    probably bout a month after its comes out but if thats when we have to wait till ill look for another trade partner in the meantime
  19. S

    WANT arceus or dpp starters

    nope :[ just got this for xmas
  20. S

    WANT arceus or dpp starters

    soul silver lol im sorry new to trading
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