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  1. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    I'm sorry, sir! We're trying our best! JOHN, PUT DOWN THE CHAIR! JOHHNNNN Waiter, there's way too many things in my soup.
  2. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    *grabs it and runs off cackling only to be tackled by a dozen other people* Waiter! The people scrambling for the shiny victini are in my soup!
  3. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    DAMMIT JOHN! STOP COSPLAYING AT WORK! Waiter, I'm in my soup!
  4. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    Dammit, that'll mess up the wiring. Waiter, there's a Wobuffet in my soup!
  5. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    *slowly rises from under table armed with repels* Waiter, there's a goat in my soup.
  6. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    HAHA YES FINALLY TORRACAT YUR NEVER GONNA CHANGE Waiter, there's a flame war in my soup.
  7. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    Sir, that's a really big candy cane. Wait. Waiter, my soup is floating.
  8. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    ACCCKKK MY KRYPTONITE *stumbles off gagging* Waiter, greed is in my soup.
  9. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    ...why do i keep getting the high customers? Waiter, your mother's in my soup.
  10. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    cool. DERPGHOSTMON, DIGIVOLVE TO- Waiter, depression's in my soup!
  11. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    GOD DAMMIT JEFF I SWEAR TO LORD *runs back to kitchen yelling obscenities* Waiter, there's soup in my soup in my soup in my soup in my...
  12. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    Is it a snake? I love snakes. Waiter, my soup is green.
  13. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    As you can see, he is a very fashionable frog with that scarf. Waiter, my soup is making a beeping noise that is getting steadily faster.
  14. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    JEEEEEFFFF! NO HACKING! Waiter, my soup is on fire.
  15. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    When I find the guy who keeps playing ninga around here, I swear I'm going to-*ducks from throwing star* Waiter, my soup is alive.
  16. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    ...The Urban Dictonary is not a vaild source, sir. Waiter, there's soup in my soup in my soup and so on.
  17. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    And it's a good one, sir. Waiter, I am in my soup!
  18. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    *would reply, but vaporized because star* Waiter, a UT fan is in my soup!
  19. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    AND AWAY WE GOOOOOO Waiter, I- 100101010010101001
  20. Derpghost

    Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup

    What? ConsPIRACY? O lord, save the taylor swift music! Waiter, 42 is my soup. I didn't forget 'in'
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