Search results for query: *

  1. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^ is part of a rock band, which normally includes people more normal than politicians. :P
  2. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^ has almost 10,000 messages.
  3. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^ Will scare off Donald Trump.
  4. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^ looks like Spiderman and his symbiote costume after they turned into a Power Ranger (so pretty much, Kamen Rider or something...)
  5. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^ Will shock the world with greatness.
  6. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^ is half good, half evil. That's interesting and we need someone interesting leading us (the US get interesting people, but look everywhere else you lucky people!)
  7. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^ Is another Eevee.
  8. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^ Has a name that reminds me of the new Thor movie.
  9. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^ Is at our service. Finally, we get a leader who cares about us!
  10. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^ has a glowing nature xD
  11. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^^ Is poisonous wait, is that a good thing?
  12. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^^ Chose a very good region to be in.
  13. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^^ is an Absol, which will warn us of incoming danger.
  14. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^^ Makes very good points.
  15. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^^ Would create new life.
  16. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    ^^ would shock the world.
  17. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    Because Mega Gengar would be smarter, and have a better personality and humour the that Donnie Trump...
  18. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    Because they'd create an anime channel.
  19. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    Having someone from space can help us defend against alien attacks.
  20. Elementar

    Why Should the Poster Above Win the Presidential Race?

    Because they have the ability to only gain one post on their profile even though they've posted more than that. (Remember when I said you had 363 posts a few days ago, you now have 364 and I know you've posted more than that) xD
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