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  1. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    Same here. I'm not as excited for SM as I was prior to today, however I will be getting at least Sun just to stay in the loop and hopefully we get Sinnoh remakes, but this might be the first time I skip getting both paired versions.
  2. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    I wonder how breeding will work with the forms? Ninetales + Ditto = Vulpix of the same form? Fire Ninetales female + Ice Ninetales male = Fire Vulpix? Those are my guesses. That could be a sick way to get weird egg moves onto other forms.
  3. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    I'm okay with this I guess, as long as it's a one-off gimmick, just as the Orange Islands were in the anime.
  4. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    Wake me up when we get Sinnoh remakes, go back to gyms and E4, and get more megas. I agree though. It doesn't feel like Pokemon anymore which is what I told Mitchman, if I wanted change I'd find a new franchise but I was sticking to Pokemon.
  5. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    If I wanted something entirely different I'd find a new game, I've been playing Pokemon because I like the way it has been for the last six generations and five consoles.
  6. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    Yes please. Kalos can be our normal game where we fight gyms and Pokemon Leagues and Alola can be a sort of spin-off of the Orange Islands and be its own unique beast... I hope... This definitely doesn't quality as little bit change. Taking the traditional eight gym leaders, elite four, and...
  7. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    I'm scared. I think Pokemon as we knew it is over. Gg
  8. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    So a once per battle thing and it takes up the item slot just like Megas... Interesting. Surely Megas will come back, so you'll be able to have one Z-Move and Mega per battle, theoretically. There's a chance they scrap Megas but I highly doubt it. But that makes them separate entities, not...
  9. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    The more refined question is how will you switch between the two? What if I want my Drought Ninetales one day but my Snow Cloak Ninetales the next?
  10. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    Ooh that's true... Totally forgot about that one. Man why can't they do good Ice-types? It's my favorite type but it's usually paired awfully for dual-typings...
  11. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    Oh it is? My bad. I watched the Japanese one first and for some reason thought I saw Ninetales was Ice/Steel. That's a cool one. Sandslash is awful though.
  12. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    They're terrible though. Ice/Steel for both. That's 4x weak to Fire and Fighting. I wanted good Ice typings. Their Abilities don't do much to make up for it either. Since they're alternate forms I don't expect too significant of a stat change either, the distribution might change as with other...
  13. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    We don't know this for sure. This whole Trial/Challenge/Kahuna/Totem thing could just be Alola terms for things we know of being more like gyms. They might go Orange Islands on us, I never paid much attention to that series. You're not kidding... I'm a little worried. I like little change but...
  14. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    I'm not the only one that's a bit worried we won't have gyms and Pokemon Leagues etc. like we used to, am I? Unless they're going to pass this off as a one-off Orange Islands type of thing, it's sure looking that way.
  15. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    OMFG I CAN SOAR ON A CHARIZARD These Alola forms are interesting, I have to admit, those caught me off guard. I wanted evolutions of older Pokemon and these are almost doing the same thing, as far as making old Pokemon better or more relevant... Interesting. I just find it odd that Vulpix and...
  16. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    Thanks everybody. I thought it'd be like the May thing but wasn't sure. So hyped.
  17. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    Okay and where exactly will it be coming out to?
  18. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    Omg so hyped now. Please don't disappoint... Please don't disappoint... Is it one or two hours from now? Also where exactly is the news going to be posted? Is it gonna be a YouTube thing again?
  19. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    Yay so hyped. I don't sleep at night anyways so I'll just be up when the news hits.
  20. EmpoleonProd

    Trailers and News Discussion

    Oh I'm sure there'll be one... Just not sure what it will be. XY had Speed Boost Torchic, ORAS had shiny Beldum. It's anyone's guess as to what SM will give us.
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