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  1. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, you get a broken vending machine. I wish I feel better..
  2. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, but your pretty friend is arrogant and ends up using you. I wish my cut is gone now.
  3. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, you fall in the crocodile's lagoon. I wish I could sing good.
  4. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, your umbrella goes inside out to the point you can't even use it for when it rains. I wish I was 7 feet taller than my height.
  5. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, but your soup has bugs in it. I wish I was good on playing an instrument.
  6. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, you become insane and your clients write bad reviews about you. I wish to be an extrovert.
  7. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, but you end up losing them the next day. I wish it's not so hot in my room.
  8. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, the song is a flop. I wish I did not have allergies.
  9. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, but your mentor becomes overprotective over you and will only let you do stuff that he/she wants you to do and not what you want to do. I wish my toe did not hurt right now.
  10. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, it's scratched and it does not work. I wish I could get everything for free rather instead of having to pay.
  11. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, you speak really good but everyone else only speaks in sign language. I wish to get an email notification soon about my audition I passed.
  12. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, but you struggle on your heroic duties and you end up quitting. I wish I did not waste $60 going to a water theme park.
  13. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, all your family will forever sleep for 22 hours. I wish I was not always nervous when going to appointments.
  14. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, now you don't have the will to eat anymore and food will have to be injected on your arm. I wish I could design clothes.
  15. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted but first, you must survive a zombie apocalypse. I wish to rule the world.
  16. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted and every time you teleport, you will lose a body part. I wish I did not have allergies.
  17. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, you wished for coals. I wish the theater close to home doesn't get replaced by new ugly apartments.
  18. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, you will skip food for the next two weeks. Good luck on living without food. I wish we did not have to pay for rent and house expenses.
  19. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, your keyboard has pink sulfuric acid on it. Use with caution. I wish to be a professional musician.
  20. Jinjo

    Corrupt a Wish v2

    Granted, but that specific quirk you asked for does not exist and instead, you get the peculiar behavioral habit. I wish to stay healthy forever.
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