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  1. Parissong

    Controversial opinions

    TIL people disliked Tracey. Although, I think he just doesn't have enough screentime for fans to fully like him or grow to him.
  2. Parissong

    Controversial opinions

    Alrighty my turn. Clemont Brock Cilan Tracey Kiawe Max Sophocles Sorry Sophocles, but you're pretty annoying.
  3. Parissong

    Controversial opinions

    Aight I'm not gonna lie, I do dislike Iris and have a soft spot for Serena. But after reading this, you do have a valid point that Iris' tolerance for Ash is much lower, whereas Serena's was a bit over the top. Obviously, this led to the whole "Iris was so annoying what the heck" sort of...
  4. Parissong

    Controversial opinions

    #Ash'sFourthFemaleCompanionIsAnnoying #YouAreSuchAKid But I will admit, Game Iris is pretty cool, especially when she becomes champion.
  5. Parissong

    Controversial opinions

    Make a Pokémon anime geared towards teens :y Satisfy both demographics
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