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  1. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    some show about a zoo on the telly. And also a fan! jk, it's the AC instead :P
  2. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    me coughing up a lung
  3. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    some V8 commercial
  4. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    the AC being really loud
  5. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    some lady talking about fleeing from a shark on the telly
  6. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    Worst Bakers in America finale
  7. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    a commercial for A Dog's Journey
  8. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    some crappy song playing in a Samsung commercial
  9. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    my dad talking to some insurance guy in the hallway outside my room, and some weird whirring sound for some reason
  10. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    some commercial for some dumb fishing programme
  11. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    some vet show on the telly
  12. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    some lady talking about her dog, on the telly
  13. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    whatever nonsense is on my telly that I'm not paying attention too, and also the maid's telly that's on way too loud
  14. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    whatever the hell is on my telly
  15. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    an episode of Pitbulls and Parolees
  16. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    some Chopped episode on the telly
  17. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    whatever nonsense is on Food Network right now. I just use the telly as background noise, otherwise I can't concentrate
  18. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    the AC and whatever nonsense is on the telly that I'm not paying attention to, and random beeps from Discord
  19. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    some weird commercial for random Food Network salad dressing??
  20. dragon_nataku

    What are you hearing right now?

    previewing a SiM album on iTunes, trying to decide if I wanna buy it
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