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  1. helperman

    super smash brothers poke creator

    b: flame thrower side b: flame charge(like Pikachu's Quick attack except for it burn the opponents ) down b:rotect up b: uses double team two make it look like it there is on other one above it final smash: earth quake eternamax eternatus
  2. helperman

    super smash brothers poke creator

    b: form change, how this works is that if it is touching some one it takes over them. this counts as a k.o. and gives you there b until you die side b: turns into lawnmower rotom and lawnmows across the screen up b: turns into fan rotom and flys up down b: turn into wash rotom and creates waves...
  3. helperman

    super smash brothers poke creator

    one person name a pokemon the next person lists what there move set would look like if it was made into a playable character lets start with ditto
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