Recent content by Jonneytheweab

  1. Jonneytheweab

    What is the User Above Known For?

    Known for Darkwing Duck
  2. Jonneytheweab

    GO New details from field test have emerged

    Probably doesnt effect anything, but they're also very close to Japan, both physically and in time zones
  3. Jonneytheweab

    What type would the user above be?

  4. Jonneytheweab

    The "Check Your Signature" Thread

    Could I get a sig check?
  5. Jonneytheweab

    Cool guy ariving on the scene

    It'd have to be Litten , followed by Popplio, honestly.
  6. Jonneytheweab

    What video games are you playing now?

    Been playing the FInal Fantasy the final fantasy series with my friend since January, we most recently beat 8 and after we do the Four Job Fiesta event in june we'll be playing 9
  7. Jonneytheweab

    Anime The Japanese Culture Thread

    Hamburger steak and Hamburgers in general are referenced quite often in Japanese Pop Culture, I'd imagine they know alot about things like that. Another thing to mention is that its not like we dont know about or eat Mexican food, or Italian food, etc.
  8. Jonneytheweab

    Cool guy ariving on the scene

    I'm thinking Sun, but I'll have to wait and see the exclusives!
  9. Jonneytheweab

    Cool guy ariving on the scene

    Hey I'm Jonney and I'm getting a fresh start on this forum, been awhile since I was last on a forum but I'm ready to meet people and have a good time. Been a huge fan of Pokemon since I was about 9 and though I'm slightly out of touch with the series, I'm very excited for Sun and Moon. Again...
  10. Jonneytheweab

    Greetings from space!

    Hey welcome to the Forum Aisu, hope you have a good time here
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