Recent content by Loliqueen

  1. L

    Would you name your kid after a Pokemon?

    I would have no qualms about naming my daughter Altaria.
  2. L

    What is the Ugliest Pokemon?

    Drudiggon. If I even spelled that right. ._.
  3. L

    Evolutions that make no sense

    Remoraid, a blue fish, evolving into Octillery, a red octopus. Wat
  4. L

    A "Wow, I should have figured that out a lot sooner" thread

    It took me 13 years to realize steel is super effective against ice.
  5. L

    Do any bulbagardeners keep your pokemon gaming secret from friends?

    If I hid the fact that I like Pokemon, it would be like hiding a part of myself. I feel no reason to not tell people if the subject comes up.
  6. L

    Who would you pick as your girlfriend/boyfriend?

    I'd pick Cynthia as my girlfriend because she is a strong, beautiful woman. She'd probably be out of my league. 8D And i'd pick Roark because I have a thing for lanky guys with glasses.
  7. L

    Last thing you ate/drank before posting in this thread

    A cheesy quesadilla.
  8. L

    What video games are you playing now?

    Diamond. Currently EV training a Girafarig. I'm playign HG on the side too.
  9. L

    What Foods Can't You Stand?

    Custard. Anything creamy really. The texture makes me want to vomit.
  10. L

    The Most Annoying Pokemon to Encounter

    Not any Pokemon in particular, but it's annoying when i'm traveling with a slow Pokemon and I get "can't escape!" for every Pokemon I run into. -_-
  11. L

    What would your first Pokemon be?

    Thinking more literally... I live in a suburb, so I doubt there would be much Pokemon around. But there's a canyon nearby, so my first Pokemon would probably be an Ekans or Zigzagoon :3
  12. L

    What's the Most Foolish Thing You've done with a Master Ball?

    I used mine on a Snorlax when I was a wee lass. xP
  13. L

    What career choice are you interested in?

    I want to teach French to middle schoolers. I'd like to expose them to French culture at a young age, so it sticks, you know?
  14. L

    Obsolete: What book are you in the middle of right now?

    A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman.
  15. L

    What's the strangest food you've ever eaten?

    Snails. They are freaking DELICIOUS, especially with pesto sauce.
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