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  1. P

    Do you get angry easily?

    I have bad Anger Issues. I get really mad at video games easily. That explains everything!
  2. P

    Animal Crossing: New Leaf

    Jack shows up 1st-7th, and afterwards if you didn't find him he'll send you a letter.
  3. P

    Your FUUUUUU Moments (non-Pokemon)

    In Sonic Advance 2, Sky Canon Zone act 1, there is an invincible power up on the same small platform as a spring, but you have to do the right trick (Up trick) to avoid falling into oblivion. If you do Back or Forward trick, you'll die. It's so bloody hard...
  4. P

    Your "What the....?" moments!

    I had found a shiny Rattata when I started LG, before Pokeballs. I also got the Event Pumkapoo with Insomnia.
  5. P

    1000 Things To Do in Walmart When You're Bored

    15: Dress of a small dog up as a spider and let it loose in the store.
  6. P

    Another Word Game v2

  7. P

    1000 Things To Do in Walmart When You're Bored

    1. Sleep on the furniture.
  8. P

    The Garden Grotto General Chat

    Hello dere people! I registered a while ago but haven't posted yet, so hello!
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