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  1. Daenerys

    BDSP Pokédex speculation

    I think that's a huge exaggeration - many fans will buy the games purely out of nostalgia just like many of them bought the Let's Go games despite those being vastly inferior to pretty much every other core game up until that point. And tbh if people could survive there being no Hoenn BF in...
  2. Daenerys

    BDSP Pokédex speculation

    I mostly meant why would they have to be added to the Sinnoh Dex itself. These are faithful remakes so I expect that they'll keep the original D/P Sinnoh Dex or maybe the Platinum one and not add a bunch of random Pokemon to it unless said Pokemon are directly related to Sinnoh Dex Pokemon -...
  3. Daenerys

    BDSP Pokédex speculation

    I don't understand your logic about the dual slot non-Sinnoh Dex Pokemon needing to be added to the Sinnoh Dex. Those Pokemon could just be found in other ways during the post-game when/if we get the National Dex. But even if there isn't any official National Dex, I don't see why those other...
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