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  1. GuyWhoTellsTruth

    Preview M21: The Power of Us

    They would need to produce the dub in LA ala Origins/Generations if that were to occur these days (though Generations had pretty weak vocal direction & script work, I'd say it's still slightly better in those regards than what DuArt has been doing for the last few years with the main Series dub...
  2. GuyWhoTellsTruth

    Preview M21: The Power of Us

    On the title of this Movie, I saw someone suggest this elsewhere, but TPCi could've called it "The Power of Everyone" if they really had to change the title: still almost as corny as "The Power of Us" but sounds a bit more natural in comparison imo. Really, why they couldn't keep the Japanese...
  3. GuyWhoTellsTruth

    Preview M21: The Power of Us

    I'm actually thinking from what I heard that Haven Paschall is dub Lisa and like Kevin said, Alyson Rosenfeld is dub Largo. I don't think they needed to change the title to that at all, that's pretty lame imo, but the logo looked much better than that awful one for I Choose You imo. On the...
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