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  1. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 37: The Tower of Undine (part 2) "This central chamber is bare of furnishings, though the floor bears many cracks and bits of broken mud." Midori reads over dungeon ambiance. "The corbelled arch of the ceiling rises to a height of 20 feet, and a 5-foot wide opening pierces the apex just...
  2. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 36: The Tower of Undine (part 1) "The glow of the small sphere orbiting the top of the Tower of Undine is visible from miles away, but even at that distance it is obvious that something is wrong." Midori tells the group. "The glow is unsteady; dimming to gray every few seconds. The...
  3. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 35: Searching for Undine (part 6) Later, the live audience inside the Fireside and the millions more watching online watched as a male extra playing the role of the king announced "Be it known that whoever can find the three knights that have captured the realm's imagination and bring...
  4. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 34: Searching for Undine (part 5) "Prince Rowan dressed himself in the red armor, leapt into the saddle, and dashed away to the proving grounds." Brock narrated over some exciting music. "When he entered, the vast throng of spectators sent up a shout of acclamation, and all were wild to...
  5. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 33: Searching for Undine (part 4) Excited chatter raced down the rows as a trumpet rang through the theater from the dark stage. "Hear ye! Be it known that Prince Rowan will marry the Princess Lilly in two weeks!" a male extra playing a herald announced to a crowd of extras. A...
  6. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 32: Searching for Undine (part 3) "All right...what are your audition results?" Midori asks the group. "You all need at least 10 to accept the sisters." "Aldaron is highly impressed, and eagerly agrees the sisters should join the troupe!" Ash smiles, beaming proudly as the crowd roars...
  7. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 31: Searching for Undine (part 2) As the applause for the group's in universe scene dies down, Midori reveals the group's results. "The play is a smashing success--audiences rave about Christine's portrayal of Princess Miranda, and Aldaron as the hero." She continues "As the crowd...
  8. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 30: Searching for Undine (part 1) "So, now you guys have a choice in how this adventure progresses..." Midori explains. "Do you want to explore the Tower of Undine first, the Tower of Vesta first, or the Tower of Zephyr first? This affects where you guys perform your next play." The...
  9. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 29: Dinner and a Haunting (part 1) Midori cues some nighttime ambiance over a scene of a beautiful mansion. "This is a home of obvious wealth constructed of red brick with white granite accents. Wooden shingles cover the roof between three tall, brick chimneys. At the roof’s peak is a...
  10. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 28: The Stage of the Wild (part 2) Midori makes a secret roll for the group's first scene showcase. "All right, you may perform your second scene showcase when you're ready." The lights came up on Ash and Misty--in the role of the youngest sister--in the den of a house. "Christina...I...
  11. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 27: The Stage of the Wild (part 1) "...and so, the Fantasia Theater arrives in the coastal town of Kerrick, known as the gateway to the Wildlands." Midori explains as she sets the scene for the live campaign's third adventure. "There, they hope to add the powers of the wind, fire, and...
  12. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 26: Revenge on the Revue Gasps and a shocked stinger surprise the group and the audience when they see a scene of fire damage across their caravan! "Who did this?" Misty demands. "Who set our caravan ablaze?" "A half dozen people came with torches and swords." Midori explains as...
  13. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 25: In the Hall of Moonlight (part 4) "Okay...I think I found something in all these Luna tales that could be considered a lead." Brock explains. He gets up from the table and reads from the handout Midori gave him. "In the beginning, the world was a void of chaos. Then from the...
  14. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 24: In the Hall of Moonlight (part 3) "Rows of splintered wooden pews face an oval dais three feet high." Midori sets the scene over an uneasy version of the safe zone music. Wide marble steps lead up to the dais, and a polished mahogany pulpit stands at its center. A glorious fresco...
  15. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 23: In the Hall of Moonlight (part 2) The crowd applauds the group's victory some time later. " get a Paralyze Heal and six moonstones--a one use burst of cosmic damage." Midori reports. "More magic stones are always good." Ash smiles as he notes the moonstones in his...
  16. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 22: In the Hall of Moonlight (part 1) The orchestra starts an interlude as the group finishes picking out level 6 skills and organizing their inventories. "The morning after the troupe's first play, the actors and crew cheerfully attend to their morning routines." Midori reads over...
  17. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 21: Legacy of the Revue (part 2) "As you make preparations for your first play, you discover that one of your actors is missing!" Midori announces over a dramatic stinger. "Dima!" Brock growls. Midori nods, confirming Brock's guess. "Annoyed that you foiled her deception plot, Dima...
  18. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 20: Legacy of the Revue (part 1) (what the group plays) "Ready?" Serena asks as Ash emerges from the dressing room in his red mage costume. "Let's do this." Ash replies as he follows Serena to the wings, aware of Midori recapping the first leg of the campaign to the audience onstage...
  19. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 19: The Rescue of Gaia (part 2) Cheers fill the auditorium as Midori cues the safe zone music some time later, signaling that Misty has found a safe zone in a trog leader's room. "At one time this was a treasure vault, but previous explorers long ago emptied it. It is now a bare stone...
  20. LightningTopaz

    EVERYONE: Yearly Session Log for The Jeweled Champions (and Friends)

    Session 18: The Rescue of Gaia (part 1) Applause fills the theater at the rescue of Father Taran some time later. But no one is more relieved than Midori. Finally, the first night of our show is almost done! But so far, we've all had fun! Ash, Misty, Brock, and Serena really know how to...
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