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  1. airmail

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    Love them! Mountain zebras are especially very cute. Honey possum?
  2. airmail

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    They're so cool! I'm not immune to how cute they are, but red pandas are also just incredibly interesting. In fact, despite being officially classified as carnivores, their diet is 95% bamboo! Crab-eating fox
  3. airmail

    Tell us what you think about the animal above...

    Oh wow, this one's really cool! Apparently the Scipionyx specimen was discovered with some internal organs preserved, which is absolutely mind-blowing to think about. Reading about it has honestly brought me back to my dinosaur days - sometimes I forget just how much I love learning about these...
  4. airmail

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    Love them! All cats are good, of course, but I have a massive soft spot for their big goofy ears.. Golden jackal?
  5. airmail

    Tell us what you think about the animal above...

    Love them a lot! Shorebirds of all kinds have my heart honestly since I grew up around a lot in that category, so sandpipers are both very nostalgic and incredibly endearing. All the individual sandpipers are really interesting birds to observe and learn about - I'd love to point anyone in the...
  6. airmail

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    I love them! And the neat thing about the general term sparrows is just how many birds there are within; house sparrows, tree sparrows, pale rock sparrows, and more! Out of the list, though, my favorites might be tree sparrows. Blue tegu?
  7. airmail

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    All cats are adorable! Tuxedos especially are so cute, although I might be biased to one particular tuxedo cat! (tell him hi for me, Orch?) Kingfisher?
  8. airmail

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    First bird, first bird! =D Haven't looked into these guys too much, but I can at least say I love them with all my heart! I mean, take a look at those fossils and then compare to. .. A barn owl skeleton, off the top of my head. It's amazing! Megaloceros?
  9. airmail

    Tell us what you think about the animal above...

    Love them! Always going to lean towards native pollinators depending on location, but I am not immune to the charms of a honey bee! Being named as one of the first domesticated insects is such a cool accomplishment on their part, but they also communicate by dancing! I forever and ever urge...
  10. airmail

    Tell us what you think about the animal above...

    Just did a brief read about this one and that is definitely one interesting dinosaur! I'd never known about all these tyrannosauroids before and I will definitely be delving into some articles to learn more! Satin bowerbird?
  11. airmail

    Tell us what you think about the animal above...

    My favorite animal ever, actually! While I love your more well-known deer (whitetail, roe, fallow, red, etc), I'm also really fond of some of the lesser known! Marsh deer, for example, who look a bit like somebody stretched out a maned wolf and gave it antlers! One of my favorite things about...
  12. airmail

    Tell us what you think about the animal above...

    Raptors! I love a good bird of prey - I've always had a fondness for them, but as of last year I just cannot get these funny birds out of my heart. Swallow tailed kites are such a striking bird and especially graceful in flight. . . Plus they have a really cute call! Masked palm civet?
  13. airmail

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    I love a good aardvark! They're interesting animals in general, but a fun fact about them is that they're actually the only animal in the order tubulidentata - there's just one singular aardvark species! Pied crow?
  14. airmail

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    I really like them. . . I love most moth caterpillars (very fuzzy!), but these guys are some of the cutest! Another cool thing about them is that they're mostly okay to touch when compared to other fluffy caterpillars - unless you're allergic, you won't have a reaction, because they lack the...
  15. airmail

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    Really, really cool! Really interesting creatures to learn about, and their hunting methods are pretty cool! Grey crowned crane?
  16. airmail

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    Love love love snails! It's so delightful when it rains and I get to see them all crawling around and enjoying the nice weather!! Muntjac?
  17. airmail

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    Shoebill shoebill shoebill!!!!! They're a whole five feet tall and have an absolutely fascinating method of raising chicks! Also, I kinda admit they fall into the "giant birds that look very intimidating" category, but I think they deserve lots more love! Bat eared fox?
  18. airmail

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    Ninja'd, oops! Lobsters are so cool!!! A quick read on them is full of neat information, and the whole situation regarding their life-spans? Wow!!! I think animals that have such a monumentally long lifespan like that are really interesting, plus... They're just neat little fellas! Binturong?
  19. airmail

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    I like them! I think their behavior compared to other bears is really interesting and that they're really amazing animals!!! Springbok?
  20. airmail

    Tell us what you think about the animal above...

    Really neat little animal! Behavior wise they're really interesting, and they can be bewildering (in a good way! what a cool creature!) to read about! Not sure I'd want to come face to face with one, though. . . . Will continue to appreciate them from afar! Maned wolf!
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