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  1. guzmania

    MATURE: beneath my thumb
    Threadmarks: prologue: wake up call

    the inscription on the grave reads as follows: [REDACTED] Mother and Daughter, who was equally loving and beloved you will notice that the dates of birth and death have been omitted. this is intentional. now, the current. the influx, the grand ceremony. this grave is open to the public...
  2. B

    MATURE: beneath my thumb
    Threadmarks: pre- a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from latin, where it meant “before”

    hello everyone. while i iron out some unexpected knots in an old project of mine, i cowardly present to whatever audience may be present a boorishly angsty and self-indulgent juriken (as in suto) fanfic, written simply to keep myself afloat the premise is as simplistic as they come; two severely...
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