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  • I think for Paul, though, it was a bit more. I think for the first time, he recognized that maybe he saw Paul more than a super special awesome friend/rival; otherwise, why would he have busted his ass trying to track him down after the tournament? That was probably the closest our Ashy-boy had gotten to acknowledging his puberty Dx (he might as well have rejected Misty, "We're going to be FRIENDS forever!! :D")

    AAAAaaaa, that was adorable!! And when he whined at Cilan for taking up Burgundy's bet, he made the cutest "Deeeento D:" noise, I nearly died XDDD I think one of my favorite scenes was when Dento asked Ash if he and Iris were traveling together. When the answer was a blatant "NO," he stared down at Ash and freaking SMILED. Oh. My. God. (OPPORTUNITY, GETTO DAZE!!)

    Please doodle mooooaaarr!! I'm a big fan (as you may already know, lol).

    He does, I'm still pissed that we never got to see little Paul in his early childhood. I have a feeling that Paul started to get wet dreams about Ash fairly early in the series (no doubt he's already in his developing stages, dat voice, man) and probably channeled his sexual frustration into anger. It all makes sense.


    (We never saw Ash walking away or Paul board that ship, maybe they took a little detour before he left ;P)
    OMG, I was shipping CafeMocha before BW even aired (some people called it "femmeshipping"...yeah, no thanks.) I think it's so cute how Dento gives all the extra attention to Ash and how he doesn't even hide that he's obsessed with a 10 year old boy on the FIRST DAY that he meets him (but then again, most of Ash's lovers don't XD). The problem I see with it is that it's extremely one sided, with Ash kinda just seeing him as his big bro/mother rather than a love interest. Sad :(

    If I were to summarize DP, it'd be "Ash gets a rival which makes him question his sexuality." That's basically ALL I SAW T_T
    You know, if freaking Ritchie got two specials, I can't see why Paul or any of the DP cast can't get one, it's ridiculous.
    I read your journal entry about comashipping, and I completely agree with you (way back, I know it's kinda late XD). I miss it too, and even though Cilan is enough for me to keep watching BW, I feel like he's one of the ONLY reasons why I'm watching it and it just doesn't feel as genuine as DP did :(
    Work and studies? nonsense! Pokémon > life! no, wait, Pokémon IS life! (this evil "life" thing does get in the way though, annoying thing...)
    OMG you're awesome I love you!!!!$%@#^#256346y[pyktrhopk <3
    Looks great ♥ wish I could draw half as good as that XD
    Thanks <3
    DO IT
    Dawn is the most important! She's THE PRINCESS of Pokémon! (OH GOD, I'm starting to remind myself a certain Cynthia fan... maybe I should calm down before I evolve into QC... or in my case PD 0__o )
    But OMG I'm so happy <3 YOU MUST DO IT BEFORE DAWN LEAVES (...please? T_T )
    Super strong abs by ~Chatseh on deviantART
    Phone Call by ~Chatseh on deviantART
    More the first one, but the second too... god, I love you XD
    I lol'd at your sig pic (too bad the horn dog isn't around anymore for it to still happen.) No idea what's being said in it, but actions speak louder than words right xD
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