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  • I'm sorry, I was 'forced' to delete you on Facebook, my parents found out you lived in America and I didn't know you, and they said that you "could be anyone" and I got banned from the computor for a week. We can still talk on here though.
    Just having about a weekend long break from essays, then it's back to more essays for me to do, yuss... then I have exams(I think, haha), and then HOLIDAYYYYYY!!!! But that's not until July for me :(
    Just trying to finish my creative writing homework. Then I have laundry to do and after that I get to go to a play.
    How did teh gig go then?

    For me, well, exams are coming up very soon, I have learned that I'm going in the army the 20th of July, been playing pogeymans and generally not doing anything exciting as usual. I'm boring like that. But I'm doing fine.

    Just don't burn down the house as well...
    Yeahh D: Only reason I took the job at Hot Topic is because 2 years ago when I went job hunting they're the only place that called me back x_x I still don't know what wet seal is D: You don't like going to college in New York? What's worng with it?~ Alsooo Virginia is pretty cool. It's not as bad as people make it out to be xD
    Nice name xD Rofl!

    Opera Major! How fancy! Lawdidaw!

    I suppose I don't really have a fav composer but there all goodish.
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