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  • I love 8 even though I've only seen the movie and TNotD. I don't have access to the audio stories so I can't judge him based on them, but I've heard he's amazing in them.
    I've watched only a number of episodes from the classics that I was just told that I should. These include The Caves of Androzani, The Deadly Assassin, Genesis of the Daleks (my favorite classic episode) and some others. However, I've watched all episodes from the 1996 movie forward.
    Matt was my first Doctor. I need to watch more of the 10th and the 9th (I like his hair). I love how adding in the War Doctor; makes things tie together more nicely.
    I hope Capaldi is fantastic as well. Including the more original fact that he is going to be the Doctor with a Scottish accent (I already posted about this).
    EDIT: Oh, you meant this picture. I needed to scroll more. My Facebook feed is huge. I need to unlike some things in order to have less.
    I saw the episode, "The Time of the Doctor". I just want to see how Jenna and Capaldi just go from that scene. They are leaving us hanging here, so I shouldn't think about it too much.
    11 was both my first and my favorite. It was so different seeing him regenerate to seeing previous Doctors regenerate (even 5 who broke my heart in Caves).
    Hello. Thank you for the friend request!
    Can't wait for Series 8. Though we all have to wait since they're busy filming it right now. xD
    It's for my birthday, so I had a reason. :D
    I swear, if Moffat messes this up and this is a letdown...

    Oh, on Hallowe'en they played Blink on one of the BBC channels. My God, those angels are nightmare fuel.
    The recently discovered 60s episodes in Nigeria. They're going to be commercially released soon enough

    PS reply: Awkward, I don't have it yet. :'( You may have to wait a month or two.
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