Chidamari Sketch
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7:43 AM
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  • How you been!
    thanks for the friend request - and all the great fun memories here on Bulbagardens, it's the main reason I keep coming back more than the PokeForums I'm on.
    I'm doing research on tvtropes, and is there anyway to play the PC-98 games fan-translated on a windows 7? the only thing I can think of is changing compatibility so that it matches a previous PC
    You know, you seem pretty well-versed in anime. Any recommendations for someone who isn't?
    You are a witness to my epic sweep. Unfortunately, even I need to sleep some time, and it'll probably be all gone in the morning. Oh well, it was amusing while it lasted.
    I've gotta ask, just because I'm curious as to exactly how hidden the message is. Did you notice it before I mentioned it, or not?
    I occasionally leave secret messages in posts and I tend to wonder if people actually ever notice them.
    Happy birthday~!

    Dunno if it's obvious but I just wanna say I love your username (and recurrent Moemura Moegolf theme).
    Hey, how do you use animated avatars? I'm using an animated GIF for mine, but it won't animate? I ask you because I see you using animated GIFs all the time. (And you're online.)
    Did you by chance get your name from the anime, Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne's Synopsis?
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