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7:49 PM
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  • That's amazing! I'll give you the Rattata for Clefairy then! And you sure you don't want a remotely special one? I have a shiny one I can clone, and a dream ball or level ball female.
    Extremely sorry, but could we trade another time? My family is doing something, and I won't be home till later tonight, probably around 5:30-6:00, again, sorry. :(
    I will be in the morning, if I get my connection back I am sure we can trade. I asked you on Skype so I can let you know in the morning o/
    No problem. My schedule is kinda messy but same time as the other time will be okay for you?
    Got the rest of the pokés, but they aren't eggs. If you are interested lemme know of a time to trade.
    I wish it had been. I don't really want to go into it though, because i'll have to deal with some messy emotions and i'm not strong enough for that right now. Let's just say it was not good, and that was the problem. How did you know the date? Is it on my profile or something?
    Hey there, sorry I was unable to be here. But I will be around tomorrow and saturday to trade.
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