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  • Well I'm lucky that I only had to read what the stars said which is a oneshot xD

    Good, just you know going through school and work and such, no writing though.
    That works. XD Uh, what story is this for, any special effects/font you want me to use? And size? Color scheme? Any images (one max)? Anything else?
    It does kill two birds with one stone, I'll say that, since I can make notes for our review exchange at the same time
    haha yeah sure, no worries. I didn't want to clutter those posts up, that's all.
    Heya Ace, quick question for ya. I know that chapters posted after the voting deadline do not count in the judging round, but is it okay for writers to edit/fix/update past chapters/poems? Just wanted to check in case it's frowned upon~ Thanks!
    I can probably double up in a given category if you' like--Journey's kinda my bread and butter at this point, and while I do intend to re-read the stories I've got (yes, this does mean that if I get 8ES again I get to enjoy the 380,000 word trek or however astronomical the figure was that you described, hahahahaha), I also have a fair amount of time to sit around and thumb-twiddle this summer. Also, egad, I can see where that would be an absolutely disastrous thing :(

    Heh, if I were you I'd just be impressed that your fanfic is rapidly approaching the lengths of behemoths like War and Peace...

    If it helps, I really enjoy Non-Pokemon, although it's kind of a double-edged sword: if you're familiar with the fandoms that you're reading for, it's often a wonderful exploration into other people's fanfiction in something other than Pokemon. But if you don't really know the fandom, it's kinda like things thing things YUGIOH things thing WHAT'S GOING ON OH DEAR things things
    Well, good :) I've worked almost non-stop on that damn chapter for a while to get it out

    I'll take a look at my votes, but I think they're final
    Well, you know how I review. I don't believe in the caustic critic way of doing things. I try and keep what I know to be entirely personal preference out of my Awards judging as well, to be fair on genres that I don't especially like

    Sounds rather like ours. Four assessments throughout the year collectively make up 50% of the grade. So it actually doesn't matter if you ace an assessment, since the final exam can sink you anyway
    Oh, you've seen my judging, you know I get critical with everything. ALL FEAR ME

    Especially when they're organised like mine. 15 minutes for 50% of the year's grade, would you believe
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