Kakuna Matata
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  • Yeaaaahh! As long as there are no stringent checks on the cards you use, and the person I'm against doesn't object to me using a Tangela/Electrode/Random Clefairy card that can beat anything they have in 1 hit I'll do fine!

    Mmkay, well I'll see what I can do in terms of getting some pickshurs for you, although your collection looks so much more colourful and shiny than mine, it's a little depressing.
    I never chose a Politoed for my avatar... I had Zuruggu, Komatana, and now this one ^^
    I'm not gay. :/

    Eh, looks like you're gonna get one soon enough.

    Oh yeah. Lemme rephrase that; Eh! Its that show about those two sexy guys that go through paranormal adventures! :eek: Nah, I chose to take French 1. Hopefully I'll be able to take french 2 over the summer, and take art 2 next year. Then I'll be able to graduate early! :D

    Look! I made my first evar banner. :)
    late reply is late. I was increasing my post count :p
    any-who, what's up? *just had lunch*

    There's Perla (24), Perla's Boyfreind Alejandro (23), Sahul (21), Me (15) Sahra (14), and Perla's son Mini Babe!(Just turned 2)

    Thank you for your kind words.

    Its that show with those two guys that go through weird stuff! :eek: Yep. My teacher talked to my counselor and convinced her to make me skip Art History and go straight to Art 2. :eek: Too bad we had to move.
    yeah, I agree. they should make more smilies :S

    And yes, I got it like two days ago. I didn't even have to inform the admin to get it. Still waiting on the TR badge though.
    lol, but come summer, I'd be wanting to bribe Kyogre. (summer is sooooooooooooo hot here :/)

    You get...NONE all of them :p
    I do not think the temperature goes below zero here though.
    *gives KM some fire type pokemons*
    lol. That's what I get for living in the tropics.
    The closest thing we have as "winter" is when it's December-February, which is considered as apparently, the 'cold' months here.
    I really have no idea. lol And it actually does sound like that. :eek:

    Maybe I'll get around to going one day. I never even thought of it. lol
    White Forest?
    Youre getting White? Racist!
    Im not sure if the weather affects it at all. I doubt it affects the Pokemon that appear, but it will probably look different.

    Im getting Black, because the Techno-citys are more appealing to me.
    lol, yep, science is really interesting. And I believe there was. :) *got excited over that.*
    I might. lol I've never been there, though.
    I hate to say it, but I know a pretty major spoiler....

    What Im really looking forawrd to is the seasons. What do you think about that?
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