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  • Stfu Mitch, I'm pissed at you right now. I'm not rejecting that so-called "truth", I'm making my own reality. You sounds like these people at Bulbagarden, going "Ohhh my well it's a new generation! The voices are here to stay!" Is this some kind of joke? Har har, Mitch, har har. Yeah, because the "new generation" really deserves a lower-quality dub than what we got from 4Kids. Fuck their edits, they had brilliant writing and brilliant voice acting and you know it. Now the TPCI dub has secondrate writing and amateur voice acting. I ain't settling for this. So keep your "truths" to yourself. I don't have time to waste on justifying my actions to you, or Kuroshi, or anyone.
    I've mainly been studying for tests, but since the major test is over, i now have more time to get on bmgf.
    Heh, don't worry. I won't let them take advantage over me. But that Impala is very nice, I'm not thrilled about leather seats, but I like everything else. :) In fact the car looks exactly like the one in my avatar.
    Wow, that's great!! I'm looking at a 2002 Chevrolet Impala LS, it has a rear spoiler, the 3.8 liter V6 engine in it and it's silver. :) It has 87,000 miles on it which isn't bad. I'm going to try trading mine in so it won't cost so much. Also, about moving channels, can I do that easily and where are we moving to? I noticed it's kinda hush hush so you can PM me if you want.
    That's great to hear! Yeah, I'm looking for an Impala to replace the Olds, it's to the point now where it's not worth fixing. There's so many things going wrong with it at once along with the body starting to rust out so I'm looking for a 2000-2005 Chevrolet Impala to replace it. ^_^ I love that car! <3333
    Hey buddy!!! How's it going?

    Sorry I haven't been around as much again. My life has been quite hectic lately once again. My car still isn't fixed so that's been in and out of the garage, I've been having jobs too so I have my grandma's car that I use now so if she needs a ride I have to take her too. I'm telling you, I feel like a chicken with it's head cutoff. XD How's life been with you buddy? I hope you're doing well. ^_^
    it's still in progress. http: //portal. rocketgang.net (it won't let me enter links) We are getting the forums tomorrow. I have the best avatar XD on the staff page XD.
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