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  • Man.. if you had made those replacements in our match, the outcome might have been a lot different :L.. slowking and skarm were the problem pokemon during I battled :L.
    Wow.. I'm guessing you were both using stall then? That is a ridiculous amount of time :L.
    Ok, I look forward to it :). Definitely, most battles take 10 mins, I think ours was 40 mins xD. Yep, I'm going to have to use both of my wildcard pokemon next time ;).
    ill try to battle soon
    but im trying to conserve whats left of my ds battery
    because i lost my charger
    You've got to admit that you got lucky with the damage rolls more that once though... that Slowking kept rising from the dead :p. Plus, a mixed team will always have an advantage against a monotype team :p.
    That could have gone either way, I could have eventually hit you with an EQ when you rooster, taken a hit from Nape and KOd with EQ, or you could have KOd Scor with Brave Bird. Either way, it was just getting too long and boring, hence the run. GG otherwise :), I'll have to talk to Flame Alex as to whether you get a gym badge for it or not.
    Hey, fancy a IPGL battle? I'm made a few changes to my gym team, so I need more battles to test it :p.
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