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  • No, I do an underlined title like that so the person I was talking to would know what I'm talking about; I do it only when the conversation in a thread between me and someone else becomes personal-like.

    Thats alright! I endured!! XD
    nope, going to nashville. I'm technically in the seniors division. sucks for me, cuz every adult I've faced on wifi has kicked my ass. they probably used lv.100's though. shoot, if they did, then I guess I got some good chances then! I was able to at least kill half of their pokemon, with mine half their level. shoot, I guess I just might be able to win after all!
    eh, ok. all yours'd probably be glitch pokemon anyway. =3 jk. I'm not really planning on winning, I'm just hoping to place. If I get to the second round, that's good enough for me. My team pretty much sucks anyway. I haven't even beaten the elite four yet, damn level limits. heck, aint even gotten to giratina. I'm bout to, but I can't. My team is like, one battle away from 51 each. It'd be funny if the first round, i get beat by the eventual world champion! omg that would be so cool!
    But isn't that the entire point? There's no sense having an opinion if it can't be spoken. Your last post was especially impressive, good find.
    Yup I can agree with that.

    I mean I criticize the neo-cons and Republicans a lot. But sometimes in hindsight I can somehow put myself to support some wars. ^_^
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