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  • Not at all. Seeing as we disagree on this point, the only logical course of action is to split the interweb in half. BMGf is on my side, so it looks like you'll have to go on SPPf from now on.

    No biggie. Breaks are nice. And very musical, if you go by the Kit Kat bar commercials.
    Surmise! Hey! Its been a lil while.
    Anyways...you're not much of a drinker? I dont mind the taste of alcohol, its the effects I hate. I absolutely hate being drunk. So yeah, you certainly are right.

    Only technically? But not yet up to your previous financial height? Thats gotta suck. Hey, I have a job interview on Monday!
    You mean Emosuke and a shitload of flashbacks and filler. xD
    Your dad is very determined and dedicated. Good for him.

    That is why you fail at life! To each their own.
    Ah I suppose thats an upside. Im always DD when I go out, since I dont drink.

    Haha I guess if I ask him to do something, he would, but Id have to phrase it right. :p

    The US economy is still in trouble? I guess you have a bigger economy than Australia, so it'll take a bit longer to get over it. Even here, though, its not easy to get a job.
    That's not too surprising. Whichever series you see first tends to be the one you like the best.
    xDDD That's hilarious! My dad would always tell his job was being a Pokémon trainer. Then I found out he had a boring office job. ._.

    He was somewhat useful in all the DBZ sagas prior to the Cell saga. Cell saga he was useful, and then somewhat useful in the Buu saga too.
    Oh, right, coz you dont drive...I cant imagine having to rely on other people for transport. Though at least you get to spend the time driving down with your mum.

    Hey! Im headstrong! Enough... :p
    Haha if I tried to boss my lil bro around hed probably just laugh at me...theres only 18 months between us.

    A few times a month? Not exactly a steady income...maybe you should cast around for more clients?
    Ah alright, well thats still something! And I concur; free food is da bomb, yo! :kawaii:
    And so is spending time with family. Usually.

    I wish I had a younger sister...instead I have an older sister and a younger brother (middle child syndrome ftw!)
    3rd grade?! Thats a hell of an age gap between you two.

    Aw what do you do now? What kinda job do you want? Im the only one of my siblings who is actually employed atm :p
    Whoops, was a bit confused there. ^^; How did you dad feel about DBZ and GT?

    Meh, he may have been cute, but he stopped fighting as much and got lame. KM demands ripped men going to insane power levels of OVER 9000 and beating the shit out of each other~
    Ah yes. Thanksgiving, the Festival of Turkeys!! Are you excited? *doesnt know what happens at Thanksgiving*

    Well, at least you'll get to see the familia again. Do you have any siblings? Not sure if Ive already asked that or not... <:)

    Ive been quite well, thanks for asking! Been keeping busy with my thread, and work.
    Your dad watches it too? That's awesome! And if Karasu was in the second movie then I know I didn't see it.

    Prior to the Buu saga he was cool/cute. Then he got lame. D:
    Haha its ok, consider this a new convo :p
    Holidays? Already? But its only November.
    Do your folks live far from where you are?
    Im not up to much...sam old, same old really. *sigh*
    Two arcs is better than having no arcs. Do you like the English dub because you saw it first or because it's better quality than the Korean one?
    Movies for Shounen series tend to be hour-long episodes more than actual movies. Er, at least they feel that way to me. (Don't ask me what qualifies something as a movie, I'm not 100% sure myself. xD) Don't remember if I saw the second one, but the first one disappointed me because it didn't have the original English cast in it and I didn't feel like watching subs of it.
    To each their own. Nowadays I don't care for either. xD

    I'm more of a Trunks fangirl than a Vegeta one, but I like 'em both a lot. My favorite characters on the show. (Used to be really into Gohan too, but that lessened over time.)
    You downloaded the whole thing? Tsk tsk, you should really be paying for that. :nono: I have a few DVDs of it from various points in the series, but I don't think I ever finished it. My favorite part was the Dark Tournament saga.
    Actually, YYH was what lead me to watch FMA. Originally I thought it was kinda lame, but since I left my video tape for YYH recording all night (fell asleep), I ended up watching it the next day and loving it. Have the whole first series on DVD, including the movie and OVAs. (Can you tell how much of a fangirl I am for this series? xD)
    Used to be big into Naruto, but I lost interest. And I didn't think the dub was that bad. :p But I only saw the first 25 episodes or so, so my view of it could be biased.

    Mirai Trunks had all that angst and drama going for him, and fangirls love the angst and drama (me included. >.>) GT Trunks had...um, a company to run? So yeah, Future Trunks > Trunks, end of discussion.
    Hopefully. xD

    It all depends on what I see first. If I see the dub first, then I prefer it to the sub, and vice versa. (eg. Prefer the dubs of FMA, DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pokémon (4kids era), Digimon, and Gankutsuou.)

    Because it didn't have as many fillers? The Brief family is <3, but especially the guys.
    Was wondering how you managed to pay for everything on your own lol. xD Sounds like a nice set-up. I'm guessing it's better than living in the dorms?

    Saw the preview with Veggie's bro, but I didn't actually watch the whole thing, for basically the same reason as you. (So I'm not the only one who prefers his dub voice to his original? Seems like if you say anything to the contrary you get labeled as a freak. xD)

    My favorite was the Cell saga. :D
    You've got your own apartment? Nice.

    Tbh I've never seen it other than a preview showing Vegeta's younger brother and a clip showing the new Mr. Popo and Kami talking.

    Yes, the original is crappy in that it took 10 episodes for someone to make a damn move, but dammit it was entertaining crap!
    Love B/V (and not just because it leads to Trunks >.>)

    Probably for the best I stay away from it then. I spend too much time on the computer already. xD Thanks for the info though.
    *has no idea what VDex is, but will nod and smile accordingly* Oh yeah, how could I have missed that? xD

    Your avatar and profile pic remind me of DBZ.
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