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  • Same. I just purchased some knock-off Mightyena figures. I know of one official one, from the TFG, but otherwise I have yet to find any on eBay.
    Oh man if we did that I think it would be Black Friday at a Walmart, but with a lot more causalities. No one shall deny me of my figurines of fictional creatures! That includes you btw. Touch those Mightyena and you might lose a hand or two.

    Woah really? I didn't even know those existed. (You can tell how often I frequent thrift shops.) When it comes to plushies, I'm judgmental. Sorry felt plushies, but I just dun liek you. >.>
    Fun-hogger :p

    How generous you are. You should be canonized as a saint.

    Good point. Sometimes I think of the twerps as being relatively smart and decent for their ages, and others I can't help but wonder how the hell they survived all these years. (I expected better of you Brock ._. To be fair, lots of Mons are badass on the show when they suck ass in the games. Generally speaking of course.)

    Dedication, thy name is Snoozle!
    Seems I did. Thought your recent purchase completed your figurine collection. My apologies. (Hmm for a Mightyena figure, who knows what I would do no kidding. Cost a small fortune to buy all the ones I want.)

    The thing I would be worried about would be the material they're made out of. If they're nice and soft that would be great, but I'm not getting them if they're made of felt/the yucky material that beanie babies from McDonalds Happy Meals are made out of.
    Thanks for the tip. Always feels better to buy games from legitimate stores.
    Why you lazy bastard xD

    Smartass ;P You know what I was referring to. xD

    I can understand that. Tears of joy can be as overpowering as those of sadness.

    "Having a Wailord of a Time." Large part of that is because it was one of the rare occasions a kid is actually voiced by a kid. Also the plot was entertaining, for me anyways. Who hasn't tried to cover up a screw-up and failed miserably? (or maybe I just suck at cover-ups. xD) Plus this is the episode we find out Brock's starter is his Onix. That only took 7 years.

    Ah yes, they look so pretty that it seems a shame not to get them sometimes. *is guilty of buying a guide for Resident Evil 4 for the main reason of getting the poster inside*
    Do I now? Why thank ya. :D You shouldn't be losing sleep over it though. xD

    Ah, so I'm not the only one who likes to take her pics of her collection during the day, even when there's indoor lighting. (Not to mention the fact that my family isn't home and won't see how big of a nerd I am.)

    An excellent point. Games are a must, guides not so much since there are many online sources to get info from. Oh, and DVDs for me too.

    Impressive figurine collection you currently have. I'm still looking for a Mightyena figure. Tempted to buy Dragonite, Lugia, and Ho-oh plushies, but we'll wait and see. Those bastards are expensive. =/
    What can I say, I'm more of a top person

    Do you need some Pokémon tissue to help?

    That song always comes off on a more positive and bright-future note to me. Oh nostalgia~

    No, they just came with those cheap stands that spin. I got the second boxset of Advanced w00t w00t. Contains one of my favorite episodes of the series.

    Wouldn't want to be a stalker like some people on here. :p
    jk, I'll do some digging and come back to you with my findings sometime in the future.

    I always called them PokéDollars. They're probably PokéYen though...
    $100 bucks!? Holy shit man, hope that was all worth it. (Most I went up to was $75, for the two figures and the DVD set I mentioned previously.)
    Tbh I don't recall ever seeing any of his movies. ^^; Still sad to hear of his passing though. It's even more odd that I actually read it in a newspaper first than on the interweb.

    Selling your collection? You fool! Well, if it makes a big profit, and it's for something like marbles, then that's a good deal for you. Rake in the dough to buy more Pokécrap! >:D
    I vote for Kasnoozle because it sounds funnier and reminds me of Kazooie from Banjo & Kazooie. xD

    Sorry to hear you lost out on the plushie collect, but like you said, least you won the other stuff. =)

    Nope, because I'm not some n00b who can't control her Mons and get them to fight for her. :p

    I'll do you one better. *Tears, After the Cloudy Weather plays* Oh god what have I done? :bawl:

    Can't it be a little of both?

    Ask and ye shall receive. Still have yet to get the Advanced boxset I ordered, but it should be here before next week Thursday.

    Isn't it summer over by you now? (For whatever reason I've been thinking you're from Aussie land)
    Huzzah, we now match! :D

    Makes me even more excited to see them. Hope you win!
    Least you set a budget for yourself. Mine has been spur of the moment as of late. >.>

    :thumbup: for monkey with its ass on fire, my personal favorite of the Sinnoh starters. Lvl 2 Starly you say? Holy shit man, you got srs skillz. :p

    (Naw, I just figured that with the holidays/time off you'd have a chance to reply to the ginormous PM.)

    (I c wat u did thar all right. Crazy man, you should get yourself checked into a mental institution. :p)

    ...will be posted when they arrive on Thursday.
    O rly? Why's that?

    Oooo I look forward to seeing that. Even more because of this. Though admittedly, I just spent $24 on some figurines...

    Never really cared for the Pinball games, but whatever floats your Lapras blimp boat.

    :D Yayz! Though if you have other things irl that you need to attend to and/or you don't feel like it I'll understand. (I've hoping to get a reply before New Year's though.)

    Been there before. When you first join all you want to do is post post post, but after awhile that goes away. For some people anyways.
    It's that, but more. The reports made by David DeGraw are a beautiful recollection of things past and present. It was he that made me realize what direction we're truly headed in, regardless of the 9/11, chemtrails, etc. conspiracies.

    Full report: The Economic Elite VS. The People of the United States of America

    I'd say that the only problems I have with DeGraw are probably the complications concerning the validity of the Constitution, etc. but he still pretty much covers the significant issues.
    No poking shall be had here on a Pokémon website.

    Cool beans. :thumbup:

    Overall good. Yourself?
    Also are we giving our monster PM conversation a rest for now?
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