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  • Yep, and make sure you've had a pokemon w/pokerus taken to N. Joy, and have the nat. pokedex. And you can catch the roamers if you want, you don't need to kill them. Just stop them from roaming :D

    Yep, Lati@s is a roamer :]
    perfect timing, see you on
    Catch or breed any Pokemon on your own file and trade it to me. Just to save our time, you don't need it back. Hence filler, throw away, trash, junk. etc.
    Hey hey, how are you? Sorry for my inactivity; I've been terribly sick. @_@
    If you still need your sid checked, I can help. Hope my wifi behaves. Just catch a filler and vm me back when you're available,
    It's been great, thanks! It's great to finally talk to you again. How's everything going? Are you still playing your Pokemon games?
    Sorry, the only thing I could find when I googled it was long guides and youtube videos. You might just want to have someone check it via AR. Or, I found this video, if you want.
    Yeah, I don't really like to do things that take long, but sometimes they're worth it! Like EV training :/

    Yay! Yes, you should be able to find your SID with that Magnemite. Now, I just have to find out how :p
    Lol, but you just said that they won't be judging it by skill, but by creativity. So even if Shiay enters, her drawing will be amazingly good, but it might not be as creative as yours ;)

    I'm really happy, because I just found out that in the Yankee Swap tourney that 1st and 2nd place is Pokemon B/W, so now I have an even better chance of winning :D Except, 1st place also comes with the BW music track, but I won't really be needing that. But I'll still keep it if I win, because I like pokemon music.
    Wow, that's a lot of pokemon to include in one drawing, especially considering two of them are huge. Good luck! I can't wait to see it :D
    Lol, I've never posted any other Fan Fics before xD But I could have if I wanted to :p It's just that this time, there was a prize xD

    5 hours??!! On the computer, right? Because it's computer art? What kind of pokemon did you put in it?
    Great :D

    Of course I am! But the rules are very strange, and I'm not sure I'll win, because of the strange rules :p But I do have a good chance of winning, so I'm going to try my best.

    I also joined the Fan-fic contest (Not sure if I'll win, but I like my story :D). Just to have a better chance of winning.
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