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  • Because hard deletions can't be undone. And we want a minimum of people with that power if an account is compromised/etc.
    hey, just aswell as the message i sent, i recently got machamp prime and family, if you'd rather have that instead of either prime? :)
    hey, your offer was a really great offer, but last night someone on ebay sold me the arcanine, poliwag, poliwhirl,darkness energy, and grotle in one listing so i don't need them anymore, i closed the thread because theres only the laturn and the legend cards i need (i traded for an ampharos prime yesterday)
    however i am still really interested in your entei and raikou legend cards, do you only do legend for legend, or would you trade say, the 4 cards you mentioned (scizor kingdra call energy rescue energy) with a few others thrown in? I'm quite new so forgive me if i'm offering an unfair trade!
    Yeag i got my hopes up with the DF's one. Stupid to make a pack with a similar, then put a card in it that was extremely rare in the 1st, but pennies in the second...
    I have a reverse holo TV Reporter (Dragon frontiers)... just how rare are these things that ur willing to trade higher than Charizard EX on pokegym?... never mind, just realized it was ex dragons :banghead: now im really disappointed
    Aw sorry to hear about the WiFi troubles. I'm looking forward to starting anew in BW, haha. More Pokemon to RNG abuse and collect.. Your profile is making me cry for summer.
    im sorry for my relative inactivity here, robotics season just started, not home much anymore... stupid time to try and start CotD -facepalm-, Dont know when ill get around to working on the wiki... I'll still be trying to help out on the forums as much as possible.
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